Help.. droning sound

2 Jul 2020
Hi, I've recently bought a 66 plate Leon Titanium FR with 16k mileage. It drives like a dream, a bit harder on the suspension but to be expected. I have an issue when I reach 70 to 80ish and that is a low repetitive droning noise, much like a washing machine, it doesn't alter speed and drops off under 70. Is so annoying. Its not the cheap tyres as I had them replaced, its not wheel bearings, its not tracking as its been done twice. No vibration or swerve. What is it please? Is it a standard FR sound at this ticking over speed??? Its already been back to the dealer and they couldnt find anything, apparently they took it for a test too... so its typcial road noise from 18s?
Last edited:
2 Jul 2020
Hi, tyres are absolutely fine.. not sure on the exhaust, but because the noise is in ans out and 70 to 80, its baffling.. if it was exhaust, it would be constant. Its going back to the dealer anyway. They have to fix it within 3 months apparently.. i just want to give it back.
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