help me with ssd questions

16 Nov 2009
i have just installed my ssd like any other drive straight into my pc and installed windows 7
however when running the score index i onli get 5.9 for a samsung ssd 64gb :S:S and when i checked the device manager it says it is a scsi drive and not a ssd drive why is this ?

also ive been reading about trim and ahci how do i install these

my motherboard is an asus p5n 32e sli plus with 6gb of ram and two 7900gs gfx cards i reali need help as this is driving me mad
Firstly, I really wouldn't worry about the Windows 7 performance figures - they are total rubbish.

When I installed my SSD I got 6.9 in the hard drive mark, then redid the test and got 7.9 - it is not reliable at all.

As for TRIM, there are many guides on t'internet as to enabling trim: Link

Without knowing the motherboard, you will probably have to change to ahci in the BIOS when the machine is first booted (you will need to press a key to enter the bios,such as F2)

If you do change it be aware that you may lose everything that is already on the drive. I don't know if this is the case but is a possibility
ahci in the bios and don't install your ide/ata/atapi drivers. i had the same issue, be a clean format if you have not done it right. I too had 5.9 user error, formatted and did it right and now have 7.8, people are quick to say the windows scores are rubbish, but sometimes it indicated an issue, windows does not see your drive as an SSD as 5.9 is the score for a mechanical drive. so i would suggest a driver or setting is wrong.
thanks the mother board is a p5n32e-sli plus

the 650i chipset version

and it is not showing up as your pics above :( its showing up as a scsi drive :(

also how do i change this in my bios as i cant for the life of me find this option
i don't know about the bios as im amd, but it should be in there! - u can either have raid/ide/ahci. change that and see what windows says
do you now how to take screen shots of my bios to post and maybe some one could help me as its probs in a place im not looking

what sub menu would this be under
is it recommended to run the ssd in ACHI rather than IDE i know they require different drivers as per the ocz website but is there any performance difference ?

Also how difficult is it to make sure the drive is align properly after imaging it, is it not worth the hassle, should i just do a fresh windows 7 install ?
I have also just purchased the Vertex 2 and was wondering about ACHI and IDE. What are the benefits for using ACHI over IDE. Also will switching to ACHI effect my two other disk drives?
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