Help needed with Freesync upgrade

Had three of them so far and they all had terrible backlight bleed and ISP glow. I was aware of this before but I thought I would still try my luck.
Shame because I really liked the monitor.
You only really notice it when viewing dark content in a dark room though.
Concerns me as to how many of these are just put back on the shelf to be sold again with these issues if so many are returned
Thanks for all the replies , i do not think superwide is for me so i am now looking at the Asus MG279Q all the numbers seem to suit what i need and any future games the extra hz will be good to have, i just hope i get a good one .

Just received one today, so far don't like it :( .

Stand brilliant, OSD/controls decent, look of it on the desk nice. No issues setting up stand, OSD reset to defaults (just to make sure all is stock). Next I set it up as per TFTCentral "Optimum OSD Adjustments" and desktop backgrounds look good but say in Bioshock Remaster the detail loss due to brightness/contrast is very noticeable compared with a Dell U2515H and Eizo FG2421 I have. I upped these and tried differing presets and it just does not perform IMO. I also fired up Mass effect and when your in the Normandy it just looks pants due to detail loss in image from brightness/contrast. Crysis 3, Gods & Monsters mission, again detail loss :( . The Dell/Eizo have been setup as per TFTCentral tweaked OSD settings, about to try them out each again just to verify the loss of detail is not just me thinking so.

Freeysnc is nice in games, handy versus sticking to 60 FPS/Hz on the U2515H, for example SWBF feels more fluid at 90Hz vs 60Hz.

The Eizo just performs so much better than any of the 2 other screens for motion clarity. This compare I'm making without the Turbo 240 mode on it, so just 120Hz. Then as it's a VA panel when there are loading screens/larger amounts of black on screen, both of the other screens do not match it.

Another thing I'm noting is the U2515H with it's higher PPI is so much nicer for sharpness vs the MG279Q, desktop and gaming use. The MG279Q seems blurry at times vs the Dell, TBH even vs the Eizo the MG279Q is lacking sharpness IMO.

So wanna make the jump from 1080P on the Eizo but does not look like it's gonna happen :( .
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Just received one today, so far don't like it :( .

Stand brilliant, OSD/controls decent, look of it on the desk nice. No issues setting up stand, OSD reset to defaults (just to make sure all is stock). Next I set it up as per TFTCentral "Optimum OSD Adjustments" and desktop backgrounds look good but say in Bioshock Remaster the detail loss due to brightness/contrast is very noticeable compared with a Dell U2515H and Eizo FG2421 I have. I upped these and tried differing presets and it just does not perform IMO. I also fired up Mass effect and when your in the Normandy it just looks pants due to detail loss in image from brightness/contrast. Crysis 3, Gods & Monsters mission, again detail loss :( . The Dell/Eizo have been setup as per TFTCentral tweaked OSD settings, about to try them out each again just to verify the loss of detail is not just me thinking so.

Freeysnc is nice in games, handy versus sticking to 60 FPS/Hz on the U2515H, for example SWBF feels more fluid at 90Hz vs 60Hz.

The Eizo just performs so much better than any of the 2 other screens for motion clarity. This compare I'm making without the Turbo 240 mode on it, so just 120Hz. Then as it's a VA panel when there are loading screens/larger amounts of black on screen, both of the other screens do not match it.

Another thing I'm noting is the U2515H with it's higher PPI is so much nicer for sharpness vs the MG279Q, desktop and gaming use. The MG279Q seems blurry at times vs the Dell, TBH even vs the Eizo the MG279Q is lacking sharpness IMO.

So wanna make the jump from 1080P on the Eizo but does not look like it's gonna happen :( .

I have a VP2770 1440P 60Hz monitor for about 3 years now and the text on that was much sharper than on the MG279Q. At first I thought it was just a settings issue but I tried every setting there was to be changed and TFT central profile but it still did not look as good as my VP2770.
I have backlight bleed/orangey tinge lower right corner, noticed in current evening daylight when full black screen, not an issue in normal use IMO.

Then I have a bright patch, a small cluster which is lighter than the rest of the screen, tried photographing it but not capturing it so well, link to photo. If I do these test screens, white it shows the most, yellow/cyan is slightly less than white, red/green/magenta bit more less than yellow/cyan, on blue it just melds in and black it does not show for some reason.

This TPU post has better pics (differing screen but IPS), the cluster on the Asus screen seems smaller to me.

I think I'm getting the monitor tweaked a bit more via OSD. Using FPS preset as some options were not accessible in Racing preset. Loaded TFTCentral ICC profile:-

Blue Light Filter = Level 0
Brightness = varying depending on room lighting
Contrast = 80
Saturation = 50
Color Temp = User mode R:100 G:96 B:96
Skin tone = Natural
Sharpness = 50
Trace free = 80
Vivid pixel = 0
ASCR = On (helping with darker environment games)
FreeSync = On

My monitor selection :p .
After reading everyone's replies I'm more confused than ever but in a good way ,I may just wait until something else comes along unless someone has any other recommendations :confused:
+1 to silk300's comment.

BigDools as much as I like my Eizo FG2421 and as good as it is, it was my 3rd one. Have a google, that monitor on forums, etc was also known to be monitor lottery ;) .

Since about 11am today I've been putting the screens through their paces :D . The Eizo has been interchanged less today as I've had that over a year so know how it reacts.

The Dell is great all rounder IMO, but in some games 60 FPS/Hz is noticeable, that I would say has more backlight bleed. This background I won't use on the desktop with the Dell in evening room lighting, daytime it's fine. I can use that background on the MG279Q in the evening room lighting :) .

Just to test if tweaking FPS preset wasn't a "placebo" effect. I first reset screen to factory defaults. I kept the TFTCentral ICC profile installed. Then I setup Racing and FPS preset identically for OSD options shared between them. Anything not shared was left at default for preset. Racing does not allow access to Saturation, Skin Tone, Sharpness and ASCR. Then I saved each tweaked preset to MyFavorite. This allowed me to swap between the 2 without shuffling through the other presets. Regardless of them being identically setup Racing differs from FPS. For example in Firefox the toolbar for bookmarks I have the text is blurry in Racing tweaked preset but not in FPS tweaked preset :D . There is also a distinct brightness difference between the 2 tweaked presets even though brightness/contrast is set identical.

Now that I'm OK with screen setup, I've gotta say enjoying FreeSync as well :D .

I never played DeadSpace when it was released, recently bought DS1 & 2 on steam promo, little did I know that DS1 with V-Sync = 30 FPS lock = really bad blur on Dell :mad: . So let's say I capped FPS via Crimison driver to 55 or closer to 60 so could play without V-Sync on the Dell, I would still see tearing :mad: . On the Eizo even with 120Hz or Turbo 240 I would see this distinct line appearing half way across the screen (not tearing as such). Now roll on to MG279Q with FreeSync I have no such issue :D , even with V-Sync off and capping FPS at say 85 to 89 I see no tearing/line :D .

Hoping to tweak the FreeSync range but will post about that when done ;) . So I'm coming to the conclusion the MG279Q maybe the screen now :) .
No worries on info :) , dunno, I went with another etailer :eek: .

I forgot to mention the Dell U2515H was my 2nd screen, they have touch sensitive buttons. One was awful to turn on/off, at times waited 5mins for them to work. The one with great touch buttons had slightly more backlight bleed, but when I had them both side by side if I set the one with better touch buttons about 5 points lower on brightness they looked exactly the same for bleed/screen image display. Again if you search the web people have had issues with it on bleed/buttons/display port connection.

Tweaked FPS preset working great for me in the daytime today as well :) . Setup 4 versions of it in MyFavorite :) , all same values except:-

i) 2 are without ASCR and then differing brightness for day/evening use.
ii) 2 are with ASCR and then differing brightness for day/evening use.

Had a chat with etailer and they are willing to offer me a nice discount if I keep the MG279Q with the bright patch, which I'm thinking of doing :) . The patch is so small and low down that it really never enters the FOV when gaming or desktop use :) .

Done some more FRAPS testing of games I play today and to me it seems the 35-90Hz FreeSync range is ideal for my setup, may not adjust it now and wait till next GPU swap :) . FreeSync does make game play so smooth at varying frame rate. For example DS1, a game with poor options/implementation becomes what you'd expect with FreeSync. So after the initial disappointment and some perseverance with tweaking I'm sold on the Asus MG279Q with FreeSync :D .
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After reading many websites regarding monitors i keep coming back to the MG279Q so i have pulled the trigger and ordered today fingers crossed i get a good one or even one i can be happy with.

Is there anything you would suggest i would do/need when i get the monitor like settings etc . also might be a stupid question if im running freesync at 35 to 90Hz do i disable vsync i was unable to find any info on this .
Hi ,

I have no knowledge when it comes to monitors so i hope someone can recommend some options my current monitor/gpu is 24" 1080p aoc monitor paired with a Asus Radeon Fury Strix DC3 OC 4096MB HBM PCI-Express Graphics Card.

My monitor is not the freesync version and i feel i should upgrade to get the best out my Fury .

The only game i generally play is Arma 3 as most people will no Arma 3 has pretty average fps i never see more than 70 fps in the mods i play but do have plans to get into battlefield 1 when it comes out.

I would like to upgrade to a monitor that would give me more fov i hope that is the right term i basically want to see more of the game im playing. like i've mentioned i am clueless when it comes to monitors so any help would be very much appreciated.

Be aware that Freesync ONLY works if you run games in Fullscreen Exclusive mode. Fullscreen Windowed and windowed mode simply do not work with freesync.

I'd suggest a GPU upgrade rather than a monitor upgrade at this point, the Fury cards are a bit long in the tooth compared to Pascal offerings.
Be aware that Freesync ONLY works if you run games in Fullscreen Exclusive mode. Fullscreen Windowed and windowed mode simply do not work with freesync.

I'd suggest a GPU upgrade rather than a monitor upgrade at this point, the Fury cards are a bit long in the tooth compared to Pascal offerings.

Thanks for the reply , i am planning to upgrade my pc next year but for now i am very happy with what i have for the games i play and i need a new monitor hence the purchase.
Only my opinion don't go for Pascal you'd be wasting your £. My opinion Fiji is perfect for 1440P gaming and if you have FreeSync monitor, it's golden :D . G-Sync monitor you'll pay a premium vs freesync, just do a compare of MG279Q price vs PG279Q ;) .

The whole thing about 4GB on Fiji cards is blown a little out of proportion IMO. All the software monitoring tools reviewers/users use don't actually show actual VRAM use, they show allocated VRAM (ie requested). Read this post by Martin Malik aka Mumak on OCN (author of HWiNFO). Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor I have the HD textures loaded and see 3996MB allocated VRAM in MSI AB and it runs sweet on these settings.

How you play it regarding V-Sync On or Off I would say depends on game and FPS for your settings,etc.

Like in the earlier example of Deadspace 1 where V-Sync On = 30 FPS cap you'd not want that and as earlier stated even with my Eizo panel at 120Hz / Turbo 240 I'd see a distinct line appearing. So solution was set Frame Rate Target Control in Crimson driver slightly below upper limit of FreeSync range, I set it as 85, in game have 1440P @ 90Hz and you'll be set.

In Crimson driver > Gaming > Global Settings, I only switch off "Power Efficiency" rest is stock, then in Gaming section have profiles for games which I wanna set "stuff" (FRTC,etc).

How I setup my MG279Q (once connected and in OS):-

i) switched on FreeSync via monitor OSD (Image > FreeSync).
ii) in windows screen resolution control panel go to Advanced settings and set 90Hz on monitor tab.
iii) in Crimson driver enable FreeSync, you'll find it in Display section.

You should be now good to go :) .

You maybe able to go higher Hz in windows, as FS not really any use there (ie step ii and then pick 90Hz in game you'll be in the FS range), I've just not set windows any higher yet.
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Well after a couple of hours gaming and basic settings set i am pretty impressed with this monitor , yes it has some ips glow but not enough for me to notice or be unhappy about. i am yet to create any profiles so i can only see my being more impressed once i get into the settings abit more . Freesync feels so good and the hz range is ideal for the badly optimized game i play(Arma3) anyone who has played Arma will know what im talking about .
Thanks again to all that replied especially @gupsterg
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Glad to read your happy with screen :) .

Yeah FreeSync is nice where games are poorly "optimised", etc. Just had a hours worth of play on Asassin's Creed 1, on the Eizo @ 1080P/120Hz V-sync on or off I'd get odd screen hitching intermittently, on the Dell @ 1440P/60Hz it was fine, but the Asus @ 1440P/90Hz+FS is best.

Really liking FreeSync, after having experienced it I'd say if a PC gamer isn't using variable refresh rate tech (may that me AMD/nVidia) they are missing out on what their GPU/tech has to offer.
Really liking FreeSync, after having experienced it I'd say if a PC gamer isn't using variable refresh rate tech (may that me AMD/nVidia) they are missing out on what their GPU/tech has to offer.

100% agree with you here everything just feels so much better
I had the Acer 2560x1080 144hz freesync model that is a VA panel for a couple of weeks recently but sent it back as it started insisting it was a 60hz panel and as OCUK refuse to deal with Acer's warranty I was not willing to take the chance of owning it beyond the 2 week no quibble returns window.
For that reason I wouldn't advice buying any Acer panel.

I have a Fury Tri-x and it ran that resolution without any problems so if I was buying 21:9 again I'd go 3440x1440 with plans on Vega at a later date. I would not advice buying a Fury today either, Wait for something with more memory.

I've ended up with the Asus 2560x1440 144hz Dominator monitor which is IPS with freesync, There's a little bleed in the corners which can be seen on a dark screen, more so in the bottom right corner but over all it seems a lot nicer that the 27" 60hz TN panel it replaced but having only owned it for a day I need to spend more time with it, I'm gutted I couldn't find anything larger than 27" with all these features though.
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