Help New build won't boot

23 Jun 2007
I ordered my parts for my new build and they arrived i have a :

Case+Psu- Casecom KG-868,350w
Motherboard- ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA PT880
CPU- Pentium 4 2.8ghz Lga 775
Ram- 1Gb (2x512) corsair DDR
Hdd- Maxtor 120gb

It has power for a milli-second the cpu fan spins, the led lights built in to the case flash and rear fan on case also spins but then all stop, then when press power button nothing happens.
I believe the problem may be with the jumpers as they are not well labeled and no instructions came with the case.Any help would be grately appreciated. I can supply photos if this helps.
I kinda had the same problem with my build. Turns out my hdd was faulty and was shorting out pretty much everything. Disconnect all the power from things like optical drives and hdd's. Leave the power just in the board then turn it on see what happens, if it powers up connect each component one by one. And when it doesnt boot, then you will know what the faulty component is.

If it does the same and doesnt boot, then you know its either a fault with your:


hope that helps.
is 350w enough to power your rig? i would want a bit more, at least 400w....

other than that, are you SURE you havent left anything behind the motherboard, like a brass stud or screw.... I did this once and had the same symptoms as you exactly. Was a lucky escape as the mobo and AMD chip worked perfectly for 2 years after, could have nailed them both.. lol
psu does seem underpowered for the guess also would be something shorting out

take PC apart and rebuild it, make sure the backplate for the cpu cooler is sitting correctly and not touching the mobo, also make sure that you have used risers for the mobo in the case (had someone before who screwed their mobo straight to the case and wondered why it didnt work)

as someone else suggested (once you have rebuilt everything) plug in the power and then one thing at a time, try and boot with just cpu, then cpu and ram, then cpu, ram, gfx card, then cpu,ram, gfx, hdd etc

this should eliminate any problem components

also, you could try building the pc out of the case resting on a static secure surface (a wooden board with an anti static bag on it) this would eliminate the case shorting anything out (this worked for me before) don't keep it on too long though if it does work as the bag might melt to the board

also, make sure you have all cables into the mobo properly, the 24pin main power and also the 4 or 8 pin 12v power as well as the cpu fan header

if the jumpers are not labeled/in the manual then you shouldn't be touching them, unless you know what your doing anyway, so if you have moved any them move them back
Have you screwed in the bronze screws to the side panel of the case before you mounted the motherboard?

If not, you can keep shorting the motherboard as the back of the motherboard is touching the metal of the side panel.

Edit: Sorry, just realised the post above asked this question.

DO'H :p
I know your not running a top end system, but that case (INCL PSU) is £23.26.

You have to ask yourself how much the PSU cost.
What graphics is that?

EDIT: This PSU is a 20 pin

EDIT2: the board only has a 20 pin ATX connector on it anyway.

EDIT 3: any of these?
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ginger_pat said:
Do will it not work as the psu has a 20pin n the mobo has an 20 pin ATX?

The 20 pin ATX plug is fine. I suppose you have the 4 pin ATX plugged in as well?

My concern would be the low output of that PSU. Cheap ones just don't have much ooomph, and that chip requires a fair bit.
Ok i took out everything and took out my motherboard there were no screws under it but one screw had been screwed in very tight and the motherboard was touching the case so i put it all back carefully and i connected the 20 pin connecter the 4 pin connecter and the fans. I put the power button jumper in to the right socket and still nothing. (I double checked everything)So I have come to the conclusion that it is my PSU so now i need a powerfull PSU and only £25 so will I need to save up more ore will one at £25 be ok?Thanks again Pat
ginger_pat said:
Ok i took out everything and took out my motherboard there were no screws under it but one screw had been screwed in very tight and the motherboard was touching the case so i put it all back carefully and i connected the 20 pin connecter the 4 pin connecter and the fans. I put the power button jumper in to the right socket and still nothing. (I double checked everything)So I have come to the conclusion that it is my PSU so now i need a powerfull PSU and only £25 so will I need to save up more ore will one at £25 be ok?Thanks again Pat

Can you explain that further?

The motherboard should sit on posts like this.
They can even be plastic these days.
If it's been screwed in without any (and tight) it could have already shorted.

I can supply photos if this helps
Might help.

No sense in changing the PSU if the motherboard is damaged.
I have a bit of experience with the dual/vsta boards (I have three) and I will confirm from other posts on various messageboards that if you've shorted the motherboard to the backing plate by either not using standoffs or placing standoffs where there is no corresponding screwhole in the mobo then the board will be dead. I would suggest you rma it as d.o.a. and next time make sure to fit it properly.
:) I put the posts on and power didnt work so i swapped my power cord and it boots up :) but know monitor seys no signal :( But thanks for evey one that has helped much appreciated.Pat
Lets back up a bit mate.

This is a new build?

What other parts do you have...esp graphics card.
This mobo to me looks like it takes either AGP or PCI E.

- 1 x PCI Express Graphics slot
- 1 x AGP 8X slot

You have go the 4 pin ATX plugged in as well haven't you?
Top left of this picture. (white square one)

I put the posts on and power didnt work so i swapped my power cord
I'm thinking if youv'e blown a fuse....hmm.
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