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[HELP] PC locking up completely at random during games

7 Feb 2010
Ah jeez, it wasn't the RAM after all. I'm sorry mate, had high hopes with it being so similar.

You should definitely try games that push your card. The original Crysis is still a good resource heavy game and Metro 2033 is definitely a good choice... saying that Black Ops II is just the Quake 3 engine so shouldn't push your system too hard apart from poor coding.
20 Apr 2004
I had a problem just like this when I upgraded my graphics card to a 5770 a few years back, I tried every trick in the book to get it to work. I was convinced that it was my PSU that was at fault, but it wasn't the case. Turns out it was my graphics card being incompatible with my motherboard! I'm only thinking this could be the same for the OP because he said hes old card works fine? Which was what happened with my problem.

I ended up buying a cheap motherboard to test it out, not practical, but it did diagnose the problem for me. This was after my card came back from a local ocuk competitor, telling me my card was fine after they tested it.

I tested countless prime test, in case it was my CPU.
I did a few of the long mem tests, passed them every time.
I did hours of furmark testing, even that was OK!
I tested 2 different PSU's, was still getting bsod's in games.
bsod's only happened when gaming. Could happen after 10mins or a few hours....

Just before I was about to break down in man tears, I ended up figuring out it was incompatibility issues of all things! And it just meant I had to change my motherboard.
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4 Jun 2009
No worries trentlad :) When it comes to problems and solutions for anything computer related, I never get my hopes up too high! :p

It is so weird the issue, just been playing BF 3 there for like the last 2 and a half hours, not a single problem, game ran absolutely superb on mostly high settings (could put it up to ultra but I like to have a consistent smooth rate throughout for multiplayer)

So either the problem is just with only a few games or the power slider has actually fixed the problem (will try BO II out tomorrow and it will be confirmed if that is the solution)

Yeah ColEx, after more testing tonight etc. I don't think it is anything to do with RAM, CPU, PSU or the GPU (at least not hardware related) itself otherwise as has been said, the problem should be occurring in all games, not just a couple. Unfortunately I don't have a spare P55 board or know anyone who has a spare P55 board in order to test out :( (brother has the same one as me) and not really wanting to spend the money on one just yet as it could very well be just an issue with those particular games.

Will try more games out in the next few days (sleeping dogs, metro 2033 and crysis) and if the lock up issue doesn't happen with them, I'll probably just not bother with the RMA or replacing the PSU.

Once again, thanks very much to everyone for their input, it has helped a lot! :)
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10 Jan 2013
Sounds almost exactly like my problem with my Gigabyte 7850 (details in the thread here)

Been trying all sorts, only thing that reduces the frequency (but not removes them) is underclocking (down to stock from factory OC) - but it is only in some games (sleeping dogs mainly, need to try more though).
4 Jun 2009
Hmm, this could just be an issue with some games and the 7850 then, either the OC or/and ATI software/drivers.

As if you google "7850 lockup during games" or something along those lines there does seem to be an awful lot of threads with similar problems.

I will try sleeping dogs soon.

Have you (and any others who encounter this issue) tried the power slider in CCC?
4 Jun 2009
Yeah the powerslider could be helping me too as I have had it up to 20% since last night before BF 3 and from playing BF 3, max payne 3 and sleeping dogs so far, no lockup, but it happens completely at random. Could launch any of them up now and play for 15-30 minutes and before you know it....lockup or they could be fine for a few hours.

What ATI drivers are you using?

Have just finished installing metro 2033 now, will give it ago for a hour or 2 and will get my brother to play BO II later on tonight.

If the lock up happens, I will also drop my clock speeds.

Is it better to use CCC or MSI afterburner to drop the speeds?
7 Feb 2010
Looks like you might be running crash free now!

If you do get another crash, I know it sounds ridiculous but I used to get such intermittent crashes in BC2 and in BF3 when I used my onboard Realtec mobo sound.

Try disabling the sound hardware from the hardware manager and play a few games. You could also try using the HDMI sound but I tried the former and it made me realise the Realtec sound drivers were causing a lot of crashes.
4 Jun 2009
Yeah hopefully it is just a problem with the software/drivers and BO II, far cry 3, which will be fixed in the next set of drivers/updates.....

Played another few hours of BF 3 tonight and a bit more of sleeping dogs and didn't have any problems.

I uninstalled the realtek drivers a day or so ago but the lock up still happened with BO II. Just using the drivers that are installed by windows, don't really notice any difference in sound quality and never really used the realtek control panel so won't bother installing them again :p (might invest in an asus sound card at some point, just hope there won't be any issues with it freezing my PC!!! :p)

Tried that too, currently have 2 "high definition audio devices", one is disabled and I think it is related to ATI HDMI as before I disabled it, under sound devices "ATI HDMI" or something like that was shown but when I disable the HDAD, the ATI thing disappears.
4 Jun 2009
Just played BO II for about an hour to 2 and no lockups. Played BF 3, max payne 3 earlier on as well and didn't experience any problems.

Hoping that the power control being set to 20% has fixed the issue, either that or it has just delayed the lockup issue for a bit longer.....
7 Feb 2010
Feels so good to find a solution doesn't it!

I'm stunned that you managed to get such a large response to be honest.. five pages! I literally have to go to another forum to get technical help. Haha!
4 Jun 2009
Only way to know is to play for longer :)

I don't know if I can play BO II for any longer!!! :p Must have played each SP mission 5 times now :o

Feels so good to find a solution doesn't it!

I'm stunned that you managed to get such a large response to be honest.. five pages! I literally have to go to another forum to get technical help. Haha!

It most certainly does! :) And such a easy & quick fix (hopefully....) too :o :p I need to game for longer to make sure the issue has truly gone though, far cry 3 tonight and BO II tomorrow.

Yeah I am bit surprised by the large response to this thread (quite a lot of views too! :eek:), thought it would only be a couple of pages, as most "help" threads are usually that size, I have always found this forum to be one of the best for technical help overall.
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