Help with first pc build!

9 May 2020
Hey guys I'm brand new to building PCs and i am looking for a system that's not to cheapy cheap but wont break the bank I'm looking around,£1,200-£1800 all in.
I'm in a big mind field at the moment with what to go for I have looked around but I feel like many people here will have better information on parts and what would be the best way to get the most out of the money. i have i do want something fancy ish looking e.g rgb,window case so please if you could give me a little bit of time and show me some of the best builds with in my range

Looking for everything from monitor to keyboard (only have mouse)
I am an avid gamer ( league of legends,wow)
But I'm looking to get into more games in the future but the system I have at the moment dosent run much and I want to get something I wont have many worries with titles that could come out in the future

Thank you for your time
All motherboards are fine for the ryzen 3000 chips but as of right now only X570 and the soon to be released B550 will support the ryzen 4000 line up, something to consider if you plan to upgrade your CPU down the line.
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