Help with my gear changing

Your project for the weekend should be Check adjust & oil your chain, Warm up the engine/box properly then check the oil level & re position the gear lever to suit you & your boots.

Bikes aren't like cars, If a car goes wrong you roll to a stop where as on a bike you'll get thrown off & anything can happen. Because of this Never rely on Anybody else to do your maintenance. If you have the bike in a shop for a repair or owt then check the bike yourself Before riding it. Things work loose on bikes quite rapidly so get in the habit of going around your bike & tweaking/tightening it all up.
Other than that, Happy biking. :cool:

This! I do this every time as I warm the bike up, quick walk around the bike, testing bits and bobs goes a LONGGGG way.

Once was warming the bike up, doing my usual round and noticed a bolt was on the floor, bike turned off, realised the bolt was from the LH side engine case, took off the fairing and saw that 3 bolts were working their way loose... One time I got the bike serviced (only had the bike about 3 weeks at this point) and they had the casing off and didn't properly torque up the bolts... Lesson learnt!
I am really surprised your 750 wasn't not smooth MADMAN69UK, Suzuki are renowned for having the smoothest gearboxes in the business, and personally triumph being one of the worst imo :p I have to stamp to change down on the triple sometimes and that's with plenty of adjustements / new rearsets to try and make it better.

It was quite smooth, just felt quite loose. Took me a few practices to get it consitently into neutral instead of bouncing between 1st and 2nd :p
My Triumph has a false neutral between fourth and fifth. When clutchless shifting, you can feel a slightly greater gap meaning that the control rod could be bent.

As far as the OP is concerned, you will get used to it. Try preloading the gear (apply slight pressure) as you would when clutchless shifting, that may help.
Well it was a lot better ride this morning didn't slip out of the gear once. Found applying pressure on the lever before changing up helped

But I did notice it would "click" twice before the gear engaged and I was almost having to twist my foot to get the height so will be adjusting it on the weekend. But just having confidence the gear will engage makes the ride so much more enjoyable
Well a little update, gave the bike a once over, everything looks good, and changed the gear lever position down a few notches........................instant improvement.

Gear changing up and down is effortless and now I am not having to concentrate so much on the gears my riding is getting smoother and more confident
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