Your project for the weekend should be Check adjust & oil your chain, Warm up the engine/box properly then check the oil level & re position the gear lever to suit you & your boots.
Bikes aren't like cars, If a car goes wrong you roll to a stop where as on a bike you'll get thrown off & anything can happen. Because of this Never rely on Anybody else to do your maintenance. If you have the bike in a shop for a repair or owt then check the bike yourself Before riding it. Things work loose on bikes quite rapidly so get in the habit of going around your bike & tweaking/tightening it all up.
Other than that, Happy biking.![]()
This! I do this every time as I warm the bike up, quick walk around the bike, testing bits and bobs goes a LONGGGG way.
Once was warming the bike up, doing my usual round and noticed a bolt was on the floor, bike turned off, realised the bolt was from the LH side engine case, took off the fairing and saw that 3 bolts were working their way loose... One time I got the bike serviced (only had the bike about 3 weeks at this point) and they had the casing off and didn't properly torque up the bolts... Lesson learnt!