
27 Mar 2004
I have been to the gym today and nearing the end of the programme I have the "preacher to bench" @ 5kg x 5. I usually do about 15,12,8,6 as I tire.

Directly after this, I have concentration curls @ 12kg 10-6 x 3

I'm finding that my left arm cannot take it at all directly after the bench and I struggle to knock 6x3 out. On my right I usually hit 10,8,6 or something like that.

Should I be resting before doing the curls? My left bicep does look a tad smaller than my right, could this be the problem?

Your arms are naturally bigger on one side than the other, don't worry if you can see some small difference between them. My left arm can do more reps than my right when DB curling, yet I can do more reps on DB rows with my right side than my left.
Depends on the rest of your routine as the biceps get worked hard during your back workout. Look at the size of the bicep compared to other muscles, it's the smallest muscle yet most people do more sets for biceps than their quads :o

I do 2 sets of dumbbell incline curls a week, that's all the bicep work I do yet my arms are over 17". Chinups and other heavy back exercises build big biceps not preacher curls and concentration curls with a 5kg dumbbell ;)
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