Helpimcrap in Big Smash

again just to thank everyone who contacted me for the well wishes, and i'm glad to be alive! no matter what i do now it will never be as low!:)

Glad to hear you are doing fine m8.

I've probably bored you with it before, but I had a massive "get off" in 1990.

Same sketch, old fella pulled out in front of me and I had nowhere to go. Hit him broadside on and flipped over the car bonnet, bouncing off the windscreen on the way past.

I was off my work for about 9 months, Was told I would probably not walk properly again because of the damage I did to my Femur. I had my Spleen removed too and broke a few more bones in the process.

Not only did I bypass the "You might not walk properly again" thing, I fought my way back to fitness and got back to being an operational firefighter not had a problem since. Dont let anything grind you down m8. You have had a set back, but bounce back from it and look to the future.

Sounds corny, but trust me, it works. :cool: ;)
i'm determined i will have a bath if it bloody kills me.

Hehe, just like me when I got released, all I could think about was having a proper bath, took a couple of weeks before I managed it though, so had to make do with sink washes.

Glad to hear you're doing well though, it'll no doubt be a long road ahead, but I wish you luck, may even meet if/when there is an OcUK bike meet and we're both back in the saddle :)

I've only had 1 major smash on my bike and from what I remember hearing about yours is frightening. It hasn't put me off my bike, but damned you're so vulnerable to idiots on the road. Hope you get well soon, and great to see you have that amazing attitude :)
update - me at home 6 weeks.

just thought i'd give you an update on how i'm doing. i'm doing ok and managing to bath myself ok now. in last 3 days i've done 30 miles on exercise bike as well as my physio. i've walked up shop twice which is 6 mile round trip. i've also been in a sidecar twice since last time. on boxing day to mallory and last night to a friends. i've been selling bits on ebay i don't need. just to keep my mind active. tonight i'm going up town with friends where i'll be the only person whose sober. i really do appreciate everything my famile and friends have done. hence why i bought my mum a ford galaxy for christmas. the next 2 months are going to be long as on 24th feb i have an appointment with the man who rebuilds my elbow...... long 2 months....
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