I've had my 3080 for a little over a week and so far I am miffed.
Performance is there. Very brutally powerful card.
However this is where it all comes apart.
BFV: During the last 2 years that the game has been out I have been playing it using DX11 on my 1080. DX12 was a stuttery mess.
I get a new 3080 so I thought OK, lets see what all this DXR fuss is about. The game is still a stuttery mess and unplayable.
So how can I enjoy the DXR??
Watch Dogs Legion: First thing I did when I got my new card was buy Watch dogs Legion. My goodness what a joke.
The graphics are great. But I was getting blue screens and crashes every play sessions!
I have my ram overclocked, but it has been stable for a good year of solid gaming. So I started to question my self and the overclock. I upped the voltage, retested the ram for stability. Nothing helped. I am pretty sure it's the game causing these issues as you don't suddenly start getting blue screens every 2-3hrs of game play when things have been running great for a good 12 months.
I got 50% through the game and uninstalled it. I am not gong to play a game that is blue screening my rock stable PC.
CyberPunk: Most anticipated game for a while. I haven't played it but we all read what an absolute shambles of a mess that game is in. I'm leaving it for a few months before I play it.
So so far my experience of RTX has been very poor. It looks great, but the games are an utter mess and unplayable.
Tonight I am going to play Metro Exodus DLC so we will see what that is like. I've played the base game a while ago so I expect it to be stable, which will prove to me it isn't my PC that is the issue. I can play BFV for hours with no problems which is always a good game to uncover stability problems.
It seems like these new titles need at least 6 months of work before they are playable.
I hope this is not a new trend.