Heres a question for you

ElvisFan said:
It's no stranger than calling it sleep FFS.
Chill FFS :p

Just sounds odd to me as I've never heard it called that before. It's always been "sleep" to me which makes more sense as it appears after sleep, wether it was on the sofa, floor, tent...or even a bed.
Kerplunk said:
Whats that stuff thats in the inside corner of your eye when you wake up in the morning, its sort of green.... cant explain it very well. :o

Im wondering where it comes from, what it is and why it appears? :confused:

you've been drinking from that springfeld nuclear river again?
Its always been known as "sleep" around here. Its quite satifsying to pick it out in a morning I find :)

EDIT: Just had to check if I still had some in and there was a bit left :)
Desmo said:
Chill FFS :p

Just sounds odd to me as I've never heard it called that before. It's always been "sleep" to me which makes more sense as it appears after sleep, wether it was on the sofa, floor, tent...or even a bed.

I was chill. I was doing a typical interweb outrage thang. :)
Zip said:
How do you know this? :confused: :p

Have you had way to many happy dreams :p

He has some stories to tell... fake sperm etc (left deliberately general) :p

Oh, and it's called sleep where I live. Never heard anyone call it different. Those who call it otherwise must be the same people who say dinner comes before lunch :rolleyes:
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