Hero stabbed to death after chasing muggers who stole woman's bag

4 Apr 2009
How many more times does this have to happen before we get a real police force and true justice with proper punishments?
Really sad and well done to the boy for having the nads to go after them but it just goes to show though, that none of us are Jack Bauer, no matter how much we might think it.
How many more times does this have to happen before we get a real police force and true justice with proper punishments?

Since when do the Police Force had out punishments for murder?

Hearing stories like this makes me less and less inclined to do anything if i was to see a muggin/assault/etc
How many more times does this have to happen before we get a real police force and true justice with proper punishments?

Neither of which would have made the slightest bit of difference in this case.

Concealed carry permits on the other hand...
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