Heroes of the Storm

After months of not playing. Coming back and the skill level of players has probably declined not improved.

Don't get me wrong i'm far from great but some are so mind numbling stupid i die a little inside.

It is insanely frustrating, The amount of times I have been called awful for trying to get people to do what they are supposed to do or because I die trying to help them escape\Survive.

The biggest thing seems to be people focusing tanks in team fights or overextending then abusing people for not helping them.

I swear if I hear "Cool story bro" or "Tell me more" again when I try and advise people what to do I'll just scream.

I'm not amazing by any means but I'm up for some games add me slappyboom#2850 or their is an ocuk channel. No one seems to be in it at the moment

I keep forgetting about the OCUK channel, I think I left it as no one ever used it.

Will add you next time I play.

Chromie is good fun but it requires perfect timing and aiming. Had a few games with her on PTU and yeah her range can be really long so you can snipe from the bushes.

I like those characters, skill shots and timing, it makes MOBA's more fun for me. pLus Chromie is just a fun character in general and has some awesome skins!
I never used to like Thrall as could not get on with him but i've been hammering him the last few days and he is awesome!

He has so much in his locker, stuns, decent damage, heals. he can lane and pretty much beat most on a 1v1.

Got him to level 10 and got his master skin.
Chromie is so much fun and the damage is insane!

She's so squishy though and the delay makes hitting targets quite difficult. She will wreck Sgt Hammer though.

Sadly working until 11pm everyday this week apart from Friday so won't be able to get on to play at night.
Li-Ming all over again?

Nah... Li Ming has far more to her kit, she is a beast at wave clearing, towers and heroes.

Chromie only has 1 skill that damages minions etc... has no real escape apart from a small stun and due to the delay in skills its hard to land them. i don't think she's op and i can't see her having much play long term.

Far too situational and a good fart in her direction kills her....although in the right hands with the right group comp she will dominate.
Yeah Chromie isn't much fun in QM games for 80% of the time as you get zero protection.

Ive had 1 amazing game with her and all the others have been rather meh. Although landing kills is rewarding.
Yeah Chromie isn't much fun in QM games for 80% of the time as you get zero protection.

Ive had 1 amazing game with her and all the others have been rather meh. Although landing kills is rewarding.

Killing people when they think they are safe at their fountain is rather satisfying.
Anyone playing today? I only started playing yesterday but would be good to play in a group rather than qm.

Also I'm usually on our org TS server here: ts3server://pagan-sc.enjinvoice.com/ if anyone wants to jump on this evening.

Battlenet Ap0c666
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Anyone playing today? I only started playing yesterday but would be good to play in a group rather than qm.

Also I'm usually on our org TS server here: ts3server://pagan-sc.enjinvoice.com/ if anyone wants to jump on this evening.

Battlenet Ap0c666

You need the numbers after your username for Battlenet and then i'll add you.
50% XP bonus between the 2nd June & 14th June I think. It's to celebrate 1 year since release.

There is also a big bundle to buy for those who want a few extra heroes.

For me i'll be pushing get a few more to 10 as already have a stimpack and it stacks so will be 100% XP and if can get a few on here to team up thats extra XP for being in a party as well.
Played this again last night after not playing for a couple of months.
I'm either really rusty or suddenly much more aware of how **** I am at the game!

TL;DR - My teammates sucked and the loss was in no way my fault...
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