Heroes, season finale. ***SPOILERS***

stoofa said:
Surely however that future no longer exists.

Weather it exists or not is irrelevant, the fact still remains that it proved he can survive exploding as he did explode in that future but was still alive.

Get it now?
If I remember correctly was a while since I watched heroes now, Sylar does have some problem using newly aquired powers properly immediatly after aquiring them.

For example when he got the super hearing he wasn't able to tune his sensativity and I belive when he got that metal melting power he also struggled to use it at first.

So it seems both Peter and Sylar need a bit of time to get to grips with the new powers although Sylar seems to master it a lot faster and with more success than Peter does.
J.T said:
Get it now?

Please...I'm not 5 so don't need talking to in that way.
Also I'm just throwing alternative possabilities around - however if yours is the definitive answer then I guess the thread can simply be locked.
J.T said:
Weather it exists or not is irrelevant, the fact still remains that it proved he can survive exploding as he did explode in that future but was still alive.

that is a good point. the future peter clearly survived the explosion. Nathan knew this but still decided to take his own life to save others.
Just watched the last half of the series over the weekend. Surely the guy who Molly is scared of is the Haitian? He died but that was in the episode 5 years on. Because he did in the 5-years-on episode, people think he's dead, but it's never shown him die in the present time. And throughout the series it's shown him blocking powers, usually Matt's mind-reading powers, so it's probably him that's blocking Molly. Unless he died and I forgot :confused: It's either him or the old black man who died near the start and appeared in Peter's dreams - Peter was invisible to everybody then, except for the old man who could 'see' him (just like he could 'see' Molly).

The whole series is just amazing really. So many things explained but then further questions asked, how do people think of these things. The painting of the eclipse early in the series obviously meant something in the end. And that logo that's seen on the flag at the end, it appears when Isaac rubbed his thumb on a painting, appears on Jessica's back but not Nikki's, and other odd little places. 2nd series can't come soon enough.
Another vote here for the graphic novels, nice background to some events. If you haven't seen them they are here.

As to the second series I like the things I have read about there being shorter story arcs instead of the whole series being one main story.
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