hi from me :)

i learn slow and by myself with no help

so its hard for me to learn how to spell corectly but the mojorety of it is in just typing so fast my fingers get gumbled and one hits befor the other and so on >.<
We get a lot of people crying wolf around here. No offence, but you are pretty text-book which is why you're being called on it.
dont blame u seeings how this is such a big place and all but im for true got nothing to lie about
the only reason i started this was coss wile i was geting help with what i needed ppl was complaining about my spelling so i fort it wald be nice to post y i have bad spelling
if u want to take the **** thats upto u but im not lieing and to get the sort of resposnce im geting from a lot of u is a shame and its u lot making a place like this look bad
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