Hi vis clothing

You beat me to it. Except I'd say I'd rather look like a tool and live than look cool and die! :D

In winter I wear an extra hi vis vest over my Buffalo jacket all the time. In summer I used to have a lightweight hi vis but it broke. Now I just rely on the hi vis on the jacket.

Essentially, your Dad is a smart man. You can also negate it by getting a cool looking jacket with it all built in, rather than one that looks like a building site bog standard hivis jacket.

You would also be surprised. I see A LOT of bikers wearing hi-vis, except power rangers and hog riders. (Everyone in between pretty much).

You sound quite young and inexperienced, correct me/apologies if I am wrong. If this is the case, get hi vis!!!!!!!!!! Please do not take a gamble on a being seen without hi vis for the sake of looking cool/saving money.

Is your life worth risking to look cool over?

Also, as above, get a decent helmet. I've seen a hi vis (yellow) looking helmet before. Quirky as hell but no one could EVER argue they didn't see him. A white one will do a good job too!

Excellent advice that. Personally I don't wear any hi-vis gear and with this I know I am not doing all I can to make other road users aware of my presence. After a recent off where missus in her audi "never saw me", I always reflect on whether some hi vis gear would have helped - hindsight is a wonderful thing though isn't it?
My advice to you though is to get the hi-vis stuff to please your Dad and then if you are still not happy wearing it, buy another jacket and start wearing each one on and off until he forgets about it. It's worked for me with my mother (with full leathers) and I'm 36! :D
No hi-vis for me.

Better to be dead and cool, than alive and uncool.
Is it not so, that cool is more about self control and not what you look like to others? So explain to us again why you moved from a sports bike to a cruiser... ;)
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No Hi-Vis though I was planning on fitting DLR spotlights on the front of my bike but never got around to it.

I do always wear my back protector, knee armour, kevlar jeans, boots, leather jacket (shoulder & elbow armour), gloves and of course lid. Whatever the weather.

I make a habbit of dropping back on a main when approaching junctions/side roads and moving closer in to the kurb so that I can be seen by cars waiting to join/cross and also out in to the middle of the road to check nothing is waiting to turn across my path.
When I rode (boo hoo.... hurry up new bike :() I never personally wore hi-vis clothing; but I certainly think it helps you getting noticed, as does a white skid lid - seriously, a friend I ride/rode with wears one and it surprised me how visible he was/is!

As for not looking cool - I say 'meh' to that, it's all about being safer out there, who cares what others think - it should be down to your personal choice and not peer pressure.
ride like they have not seen you whether you wear a hi vis or not. never trust another road user with your life. saying that you can be doing everything right and still get the ^%& end of the stick, but that's biking. best thing your dad can do is get you a good instructor that will teach you lessons you should remember all your life because if you like biking there is no going back.
Bikes are cool. Hi-vis is not cool. This guy is cool - he wouldn't be wearing hi-vis:

You do realise Steve McQueen will come Haunt you in the face now don't you. :mad:
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