Hidden Source B3

9 May 2005
Mission Briefing : Hunt down an invisible enemy.

The Infinitum Research Intercept Squad (I.R.I.S.) is on the hunt for a fugitive, the subject of a secret genetic experiment, who is known only as Subject 617. The Good News : The IRIS team is well trained, well armed and co-ordinated.

The Bad News : The genetic manipulation has given Subject 617 enhanced speed, mobility and incredible strength - he can pounce like a tiger, cling to any surface and is known to pin victims up for feeding. Worst of all, the experiments have rendered him nearly invisible to the human eye. This is why he is simply known as ... The Hidden

Should be out at 7pm. Cant wait to play this :)


The mirrors seem to be getting hammered at the moment so hopefully more will be provided. Surprised they didn't offer a torrent release of it.

I love Hidden. Played the very first release and never stopped!

Great fun and very different gameplay from everything else out there. Will try out this new version when i get back to my flat on Monday! :D
Played an earlier version a bit, was okay but nothing to great.

This looks much improved though so I will check it out.
Had a quick blast. I'm liking it.

617 can see people through walls but as clouds of green and red. But it can only see them when it activates a special vision :cool:.

As for the Iris members.. Theres loads more options for them. You got 4 or 5 times as much stuff to pick for your loadout. It's pretty darn kool.
Finaly got around to playing today, I had to install hl2 again but my disk was broke so I had to download off steams slow servers. *Sigh*

Anyway, great mod, when ive been the hidden Ive been hiding and scaring people, wispering "Your Next" right near them and making things float in front of them :)

Loving it.
Played it loads last night. Love the maps where the Hidden team get each player that dies. Being the last man, hiding in a corner can be pretty scary!
I just managed to hang up all the guys I killed on the beams that go across the roof on that dryed up dock level, a IRIS guy came into the room and looked at all his hanging buddys...

"You'll be next" :)

He legged it after I threw a head at him.
Its a really scary game thats for sure, quite a few brown trouser moments for me last night when I played. I have never been able to play as the Hidden though :(
Had a few hours on it this weekend and I am mighty impressed with it. Throwing Chairs & Tables at the IRIS team is good fun when they go on a Random Spray n Pray. Music really adds to the atmospehere of the game as well.
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