I've found on the past that Avon skin so soft doesn't seem to repel midges as such (maybe because they removed whatever chemical was repelling them in the old recipe), so hundreds of them still land on you. However, if you've been reasonably generous with the application then the midges that land basically seem to get caught in the oily layer it creates on your skin and drown in it. So in that respect it did kind of work, because not many of the midges that landed actually bit me! Did have to scrape off a layer of oily midges before getting in my sleeping bag though!
DEET works, but then for quite good reasons many people aren't keen to use it...
Have tried smidge but never in really bad midge conditions so can't comment for or against it personally.
DEET works, but then for quite good reasons many people aren't keen to use it...
Have tried smidge but never in really bad midge conditions so can't comment for or against it personally.