Hitachi Feature tool, wheres the SATA II setting?

1 Jan 2006
South East London
Hi, I cannot find the enable sata II setting using the feature tool, where is it, do I have to enable SMART first? The drive is detected on a PCI IDE adaptor, is this wrong? I'm using the Nforce 4 controller on a Epox 9NPA+ ultra board.
Have you looked in the drop down menus at the top of the screen? I'm interest too as I have 4x80GB drives here waiting to be enabled once my CPU comes back from RMA.

You are using the Feature Tool version 2.0 and not the Drive Fitness Tool v 4.xx?

The drive is recognised correctly too :).
Yeh all I could see was, select drive, utilities (only allowed SMART enable/disable) and help? I was using version 2 as well. Are there any more drivers to install?
Did you RMA your X2? Is this possible seeing as you overclocked it or did you not tell them that?
Mikey1280 said:
Yeh all I could see was, select drive, utilities (only allowed SMART enable/disable) and help? I was using version 2 as well. Are there any more drivers to install?
Did you RMA your X2? Is this possible seeing as you overclocked it or did you not tell them that?
Went for RMA because it wouldn't run 2GB sticks without crashing, even at stock. Worked fine for 1GB. Clocking didn't do it, it was an inherent fault unfortunately. After the crashing with 2GB, I put the 1GB back in and all was well again.

No more drivers to's in there somewhere.
I got it now, used the floppy version of the Feature Tool :p . The average transfer rate gone up a bit and the burst speed gone up. Smids are you getting some of these 80GB hitachi deskstars? I will post HDtach results if you want and if someone tells me how :D . . . . . . . . .
I already have 4 x 80GB SATA-II hitachi deskstars sitting in a box in the corner of my room right now. Waiting to put them in a RAID0+1 array (RAID0 array mirrored). When I get my CPU back, I will post benchies.

Just download HDtach and run the quick test...that's it. Then take a screenshot with printscreen, paste it into MS Paint, save it as .png and upload the picture to somewhere like then use the image code:

Never mind could not get print screen to work on the keyboard, results were as follows,

Average speed 48.7mb/s
Burst 219.7mb/s
Random access 13.2m/s

I expected a bit better tbh.
I think it is 1x80GB. There is only one platter I think but this is 40GB each side. I'm not 100% on this but I remember reading 1 platter, 2 heads. Much like the 36GB raptor which also had lower transfer than other drives despite the 10K spindle speed.

I know little about how the platter system works so please don't quote me on this.
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Less platters means more dense platter which means faster seek times. Not necessarily higher transfer. But as a rule the lower seek times come on the higher end drives, which also have higher transfer because they're better drives.
Mikey1280 said:
OK thanks, I will try again later and using the Floppy version not the CD version.
CD version?
Linky please.
It'll save me hooking up my Floppy drive. :p

Oh yeah, your speeds look fine. If your getting over 150Mb/s in any of the tests, it basically means your running in 3.0Gbps mode.
BoomAM said:
CD version?
Linky please.
It'll save me hooking up my Floppy drive. :p

Oh yeah, your speeds look fine. If your getting over 150Mb/s in any of the tests, it basically means your running in 3.0Gbps mode.
See my link in my SATA-II sticky - CD version is right next to the floppy version.


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