Hitachi Travelstar 7K320 :D

£5? :D

The MBP chassis is basically the same as the second revision PowerBook G4 from 2003, so its a 5 year old design.
I meant we didn't strike lucky with the MB - they designed it that way because it's a good feature.

If they were to do a major redesign of the MB Pro, they'd make sure to include it too, IMO. I'll hassle you for a fiver when the time comes! ;)
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I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to pick up an Hitachi drive...

That Western Digital, however, :drool:
although i would have thought the hitachi would come out on top again, i'll wait for someone to do a round-up of the big three and buy the best :)
Hmmm, I've had two die (both in my white Macbook). One lasted about a year, the other about 4 months. 7k200 and 7k250.

I'm gonna move to the WD Scoripio Black and hope that's better. I know you can send off for a replacement, but do I really trust them with my personal data :confused:
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