HMS Daring

Curio said:
YOU genuinely make me feel ashamed to be British...

If Britain hadn't had the best navy for the past few centuries where do you think we would be today? You more than likely wouldn't be sitting behind a PC or have other luxuries like freedom of speech.....or a vote....or a country to feel proud of.
But is such a large fleet needed TODAY is his point (i think).
Its not like Englands going to be invaded by an armada from Ireland, or the legendary Israel Battle Fleet(?). Any large invasion force will be seen and taken care of by reconascince(sp?) plains and bombers.

lucasade1 said:
Care to elaborate?
-Mic- said:
But is such a large fleet needed TODAY is his point (i think).
Its not like Englands going to be invaded by an armada from Ireland, or the legendary Israel Battle Fleet(?). Any large invasion force will be seen and taken care of by reconascince(sp?) plains and bombers.
If thats the case then why does France have a large fleet and plans for more aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines? If thats also the case why does the US need over 10 city sized aircraft carriers?

Our fleet has protected us from invasion for hundreds of years and long may it continue.
lucasade1 said:
If thats the case then why does France have a large fleet and plans for more aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines? If thats also the case why does the US need over 10 city sized aircraft carriers?

Our fleet has protected us from invasion for hundreds of years and long may it continue.
Thats kinda my point, huge fleets arnt necessary in todays world.
And im sure the fleet england has now cant be falling to bits can it?
We do not have a large fleet at all. The 6 Daring class destroyers will replace an original 12 type 42s. Although these ships will occasionally escort our new carriers they will also be used extensively as lone units on anti-narcotics and embargo enforcing operations. We need a strong anti-air capability to keep us fit to fight wars like the Falklands. Some of the tree-huggers with their heads in the cloud that have posted here might think we don't need a highly capable fleet but considering today's assymmetric threat we need to be ready for all eventualities.
Actually yes, a lot of the current British fleet are floating rust buckets which take a great deal of manpower to keep them going.
i think yes, it is required in todays world, if not only as a deterrant. As mentioned, other countries have huge navies / armed forces, if we didn't keep up in the arms race, we would become an easy target. If our forces were only 1/100th the strength of another countries, what would stop them deciding to invade us?

Not very well written but surely you get gist of what i mean.

big_white_dog84 said:
I think England does not have a fleet. Anyone who says so is extremely ignorant.

Hmmm I see your point but it is a tad pedantic, and do remind us again what the White Ensign is ;)
big_white_dog84 said:
England does not have a fleet you ignorant tube. Where are you from?
Im from Ireland. You know, the country next door, it says so just under my user name.
Not being british, I wouldnt know if you had a fleet, but someone who is british and would take his word anyday of the week over yours says:
[TW]Fox said:
Erm, I think you'll find we do. Also could please lay off the personal insults?
A 2 level reply here:

Yep, great ship and we really should be proud of our Naval heritage.

But.....As for "The Defence of the Realm" type's not going to stop a terrorist on the subway or a bomb on a bus.

It could perhaps be argued that our greatest threat now comes from within our own borders.

In that light, it's a useless investment at a big cost.


I'm going to sit on the wall on this one and just say it looks intimidating enough to deter most air threats I should think! :D
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