HMS Daring

Nana said:
this is nothing to do with security.

Aggression actually breeds insecurity and makes us more likely to be attacked - so in some ways our vast military spending makes us a bigger target.

Ever asked yourself why nations with virtually no military infrastructure are not being targetted? 650 million quid so we can kill poeple.. it genuinely makes me ashamed of being british.

People like you make me ashamed to be British, You obviously have no concpet of what these ships are designed for and what role the Royal Navy plays, Without them or the servicemen who sail on them you would not have the freedom of speech to be able such disgusting comments.

To the tree huggers who say these ships are not needed that is the whole point of a credible deterrent. It's better to have weapons like these and not need them, then to need them and not have them(think the Falkands war)

Large ships this are needed to protect our terrorties around the world They have the range and operational capacity to go where they want, when they want. this capability cannot be matched by a navy of bargain basement patrol boats.

The size and range of ships like these enable them to carry out roles that they were originally designed for such as anti air warfare, escort duties for High Value units such as assault ships/carriers/supply ships and also additional roles such as humanitarion aid/disaster relief and anti drug operations.
Nana said:
the likelihood of the UK having to repel a naval invasion in this day and age is unthinkable.

So the role of this boat is to support aircraft carriers... ok.. why the hell do we need aircraft carriers? Our armed forces are being used as a backup to any old invasion the yanks propose, and the good old british taxpayer keeps paying so Dubya gets rich, and some of the finest people in the country are getting killed, in nasty ways, so Dubya, and Halliburton can get oil, and you all defend it. Ok, is it any wonder we are hated?

And Balddog, regardless of what you say, the UK and US is hugely despised around the world.

We have more than a few UN commitments you know...Aircraft carriers arent just for US use...They have MORE than enough of their own...12 or 13 i think, with another being built...One of theirs is bigger than our entire fleet of 3 aircraft carriers combined at the moment..

Nana, now its the UK AND the US? Im not talking about the US and neither were you. Where exactly are we despised? Ive travelled a fair bit and ive yet to meet anyone who hates the UK..Some may have a problem with our foreign policy of late..but they certainly dont hate us.
Firepower like this isn't needed until it's needed. I'd rather we had the capability and didn't use it, then not have it an need it :)

The world isn't exactly a secure place atm.
Bernard said:
Firepower like this isn't needed until it's needed. I'd rather we had the capability and didn't use it, then not have it an need it :)

The world isn't exactly a secure place atm.
^^ that's what a Navy/Army/Air force is for. Defence, not upsetting the world and his brother like Nana seems to think.
big_white_dog84 said:
You are both missing the point. As I have said I serve in the Royal Navy and I can assure you that England does not have a fleet. Nor does Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. The Royal Navy belongs to Britain first and last.
There are also many sailors from the commonwealth who serve proudly beside the Brits.

Hmmm. England may not have a fleet now, but historically the navy was English, not British. At the risk of winding some people up, I would speculate that the vast majority of the money used to build these fine new destroyers and service the Royal Navy comes from England.

Furthermore, the English monarch is head of the armed services. Nobody calls her the Queen of Britain, they all call her the Queen of England. There's a few inconsistencies here.

Go on.....I know you want to take the bait (tongue in cheek)
Balddog said:
We have more than a few UN commitments you know...Aircraft carriers arent just for US use...They have MORE than enough of their own...12 or 13 i think, with another being built...One of theirs is bigger than our entire fleet of 3 aircraft carriers combined at the moment..

Nana, now its the UK AND the US? Im not talking about the US and neither were you. Where exactly are we despised? Ive travelled a fair bit and ive yet to meet anyone who hates the UK..Some may have a problem with our foreign policy of late..but they certainly dont hate us.

I'd say the people of Iraq ain't too well disposed towards us, the Boers hate us - after all we invented concentration camps to kill them, Palestinians don't think too much of us, I'm sure north Korea and Iran don't love us too much, the people who blew up buses in London hated us. We are an Al-Q target thanks to our involvement in Iraq and afghanistan.

And of late as you put it, the world views us as America's poodle or lap dog, doing exactly what they want and when they want, so we become associated with their viscious and evil foriegn policy of protectionism for oil.

How much should we impinge on other cultures and lifestyles to protect our own? is this kind of firepower and oppression still required in the world?
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Nana said:
I'd say the people of Iraq ain't too well disposed towards us, the Boers hate us - after all we invented concentration camps to kill them, Palestinians don't think too much of us, I'm sure north Korea and Iran don't love us too much, the people who blew up buses in London hated us.

And of late as you put it, the world views us as America's poodle or lap dog, doing exactly what they want and when they want, so we become associated with their viscious and evil foriegn policy of protectionism for oil.

How much should we impinge on other cultures and lifestyles to protect our own? is this kind of firepower and oppression still required in the world?
Are you doing this on purpose?
fatiain said:
Are you doing this on purpose?
no, I'm posting and typing by mistake.

(all the poeple talking about how the royal family is english, and as such so is the royal navy - sorry our royal family is all germans, and mostly inbred ones at that.)
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Retsef said:
Hmmm. England may not have a fleet now, but historically the navy was English, not British. At the risk of winding some people up, I would speculate that the vast majority of the money used to build these fine new destroyers and service the Royal Navy comes from England.

Furthermore, the English monarch is head of the armed services. Nobody calls her the Queen of Britain, they all call her the Queen of England. There's a few inconsistencies here.

Go on.....I know you want to take the bait (tongue in cheek)

Yes historically it was English. Then the Scottish King took the English crown.
Most of the money will be from Engerland, but I'm sure the Scots paid their fair share.
Nana said:
And to all the moronic remarks suggesting I live in Afghanistan or whatever, really grow up. Dissent is a vital part of democracy. It's our money and our leaders are killing poeple in OUR NAME, we have blood on our hands, and with technology like this, we can get even more poeple killed, even quicker, evern further away in an even more sanitized way. Hooray.

You Tout democracy as justification for you to state that you are ashamed to be British. But I bet you have never done anything to defend this democracy. Until you do, should really stop making comments like "Ashamed to be British", when people are making sacrifices to uphold our freedom
big_white_dog84 said:
Are you another keyboard warrior who doesn't actually understand what goes on? All military hardware is tested in accordance with strict EMC standards.

But what if it was hit by a huge dollop of it?

I mean, ships are protected against tidal waves, but that didnt help the Poseidon, did it?
wordy said:
You Tout democracy as justification for you to state that you are ashamed to be British. But I bet you have never done anything to defend this democracy. Until you do, should really stop making comments like "Ashamed to be British", when people are making sacrifices to uphold our freedom

what like voting, and going to anti war protest marches, and helping out with the ballot boxes at local elections? you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about me, don't make foolish assumptions.

Sacrifices to uphold our freedom. What the hell are you talking about? I know you aren't talking about people dying in Iraq, because that has diddly squat to do with our freedom.
Nana said:
I'd say the people of Iraq ain't too well disposed towards us, the Boers hate us - after all we invented concentration camps to kill them, Palestinians don't think too much of us, I'm sure north Korea and Iran don't love us too much, the people who blew up buses in London hated us.

And of late as you put it, the world views us as America's poodle or lap dog, doing exactly what they want and when they want, so we become associated with their viscious and evil foriegn policy of protectionism for oil.

How much should we impinge on other cultures and lifestyles to protect our own? is this kind of firepower and oppression still required in the world?

We didnt invent concentration camps it was actually the Russians that did that, think snopes might hold the answer to it. Palestinians dont like us despite the aid we give them. Yes... they hated 'us'... you come in that context because there is a 85% chance you are white and British, just because you say you dont support the Idea's/Commitments of a Government does, in no way mean that you would be given a second thought.

Evil foreign policy? Donating billions each year in aid i think the US gives more in Aid each year than all the EU and UN combined? In the Tsunami only Australia and Germany donated more than America
Just remember thats money they didnt have to donate, and likewise in the wake of Oregon and Hurricane Katrina, the US was expected to pick itself up off the floor

Oppression? Countries leaders Oppress their people.

>| Raoh |<
Nana said:
I'd say the people of Iraq ain't too well disposed towards us, the Boers hate us - after all we invented concentration camps to kill them, Palestinians don't think too much of us, I'm sure north Korea and Iran don't love us too much, the people who blew up buses in London hated us.

And of late as you put it, the world views us as America's poodle or lap dog, doing exactly what they want and when they want, so we become associated with their viscious and evil foriegn policy of protectionism for oil.

How much should we impinge on other cultures and lifestyles to protect our own? is this kind of firepower and oppression still required in the world?

The polls coming out of Iraq disagree with you. In fact the British troops are seen in quite a good light..Especially since they have the US troops to show how it shouldnt be done.

Boers? Great example there...something that happened over 100 years ago..

Palestinians dont think much of anyone. We havent done anything more to them than anyone else.

North Korea...You obviously have no clue what youre talking about there. You would be extremely surprised what North Koreans think of us...Have you ever met and spoke to any by the way?

The average Iranian has no problem with the UK...Their government on the other hand, may do..

I know how much youd like to think we are despised but the simple truth is that we arent...Quite the opposite in much of the world in fact.

Perhaps it would do you good to get out of your computer room for a while and see what the world is like rather than reading it all online.
Nana said:
no, I'm posting and typing by mistake.

(all the poeple talking about how the royal family is english, and as such so is the royal navy - sorry our royal family is all germans, and mostly inbred ones at that.)

Youre such a troll its hilarious..Youre just trotting out all the old lines just to annoy people...

Who cares if the royals are german...WE ARE GERMAN when it comes down to it...Or at least a large part of us is...Mixed in with loads of other things as well..
We're not impinging on anyone buy building up a suitable defence?

Would we not be fools if we got rid of our military completely?

Yes politics and politicians have mucked around with our foreign policies etc.. this doesn't mean that we can't have a decent army / navy / airforce does it?

A handful of countries hate our allegiance with the US, but I travel a LOT around the world and have yet to have seen animosity towards me - even when I spent some time in Palestine.

I think you're being a bit too paranoid and extreme. I can understand or at least get an ideo of your view point and opinions Nana, but I think you're being a little TOO full on. Screaming a little bit blindly I must say. :)
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