I quite like Lidl cloudy apple juice. It makes a nice appley cloudy cider. Prince's apple juice also makes a nice one. Economy juices have come out very acidy in my experience.
I just use Young's wine yeast. If you just brew the juice out with yeast it pops out at about 5%. Adding 100g of sugar to a gallon adds about 1% of alcohol, so add as much as you like. I've done mine up to about 11% and you can't taste the alcohol. 150g is a good start and your cider will have a bit of kick. Add a mug of strong brewed black tea from two teabags to add a bit of tannin.
I usually let it brew out which takes about 3 weeks at this time of the year, rack it into a clean demijohn, shake the fizz out of it and let it clear by itself. You can add campden and sorbate to halt the yeast, then you can sweeten it up with sugar and keep it in bottles. I tend to keep it in the demijohn and sweeten it as I go