Home brewing kits ....

I've got a pressure barrel with a tap, so any cack I get in the second part will be below it then?

Thanks for the help, I knew we made you MoH for something.

Lol :p

Yup, most of it will be. If you're doing that I would recommend leaving things to settle a bit after your first fermentation - perhaps cooling it as much as possible for a week (cold crashing).
When you say after, this is still in the fermenting bucket rather than the pressure barrel?

I would add it to the pressure barrel. If you add it to the fermenting bucket then you'll disturb the sediment when you mix in the sugar.

The best way to do it is to use an online calculator to work out how much sugar you need for the amount of beer you have: http://www.brewersfriend.com/beer-priming-calculator/ (use the table sugar option and granulated sugar)

Then add that sugar to a pan with a little water in it and heat it to boiling. This will ensure you don't accidentally infect your beer whilst you're adding the sugar. Add the boiling sugar water and then give the thing a stir in the pressure barrel. Try not to agitate it too much as you don't want to get too much air mixed in with the beer (getting air/oxygen in there before the first/primary fermentation is good, getting it in there for the secondary fermentation is bad).

Once you've mixed it in just leave it with the pressure barrel closed for 10-12 days in a warm place.
what have you created?!?!

in other news, where's the best place to pickup the bits for a startup kit brewing? fermentation bucket, hydrometer etc? local shop has bucket, bubbler, spoon, steri, syphon tube etc for £24
Taste it. That's how you can learn how the taste changes over time. And so you can try it and know that it's a beer. That you made!! :D :D Congratulations brewmeister Gilly!!!

Ran some off on Saturday. It tastes really chemically :(

I'm worried that it's something that was left in one of the containers after I'd treated it, but I was absolutely sure I'd rinsed everything out.

do the wilco fermentors have the hole for a gas trap/bubbler?

Nope :(
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