home cinema speakers + PC

mate, chances are that sub doesnt have its own amp. if it doesnt, it means you'll need to buy a seperate amp to power it along with the av amp, or else look for a replacement unit for the original amp that came with those speakers - one which has amplification for a subwoofer built in.
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james.miller said:
mate, chances are that sub doesnt have its own amp. if it doesnt, it means you'll need to buy a seperate amp to power it along with the av amp, or else look for a replacement unit for the original amp that came with those speakers - one which has amplification for a subwoofer built in.
i doubt it as cokecan has a sony amp and speakers and he runs the sub directly from the amp as it is a coxial connector on the sub and amp
yeah, them speakers in that pic above are almost tee same as mine (i guess mine are just a lot older).

these are similar to mine except all i got was the speakers and sub:

as far as i know you can buy them with a pack that has a dvd palyer etc, but you can also buy them seperatly as generic satalite speakers like the kef eggs for example where you still need an AV amp to use them
yes because if it's coaxial that means the sub has a built in amp and all his av amp is doing is outputing a line-level signal to the sub. that's why you need to find out wether that sub has a build in amp. if it doesnt, you need a second amp to power the sub.
of what? the sub? if so then yes, it probably has an amp. Does it have volume controls and an on off switch.? does it have a model number so we can check? have you bothered googling it yourself yet?
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it doesnt have vloume or on off contlols i have googled it but hard to find info as it was a kit home cinema system, the kit they belongd to was the DAV-DZ111
Don't bother, just buy an AV amplifier and stereo speakers for now. Usually HTIB connect differently to standard AV kit, so either won't work properly, require more things, cobble up a fix etc.

I mean just cheap nasty HTIB speakers, you can buy better for £50 a pair from the large discount hifi people.
i have a old cretive 2.1 setup for my pc i can use for now but if it means i have to buy 2 amps then im not going to bother isd rather sell the speakers i have a nd buy a nice 5.1 systems for my pc
ryte guys at the time of when i started the thread i didnt have the speakers, i have just collected them today and previously asked the person who owned them if the subwoofer had a coaxial/phono connector on it and he confirmed it did, so i got home and unpacked them and noticed it doesnt have a coaxial connector it just has two spring clips for speaker wire so now i dont have a clue how im going to connect them up to a home cinema amp, does anyone have any suggesstions on how to connect it up
You need to give more info about your kit, pictures on the backplate of the amplifier and the subwoofer.

There's several ways of doing it, depending on the kit

AV amplifier LFE out to subwoofer, using av amp bass managment, not using subwoofer crossover

stereo integrated amplifier speaker outputs to subwoofer, using subwoofer crossover.

AV/Stereo amplifier speaker outputs to subwoofer, L/R speakers then connected to subwoofer speaker output terminals (using subwoofer crossover high and low pass filters)
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