Home made case

Impressed with the quality that is going into this case.

Have you thought about any led info panels for temp read outs etc. And how ill you tackle the wiring and fittings of the power button leads etc..

Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing the end product.

Oh and dunno if you had a think about this but if your into lan parties why not have a go at adding a folding handle on the top or some wheels for easier transportation?
I know this thread is pretty much dead, but i just want to ask you. How did you bend the aluminium, did you use any special tools and if so were did you get them from?
I am currently making a case shell using the frame off of a budget case (I dont have a lot of money)...


And need to know what i can use for bending sheet aluminium, about 1.2mm thick.
Thanks :D
Jakal91 said:
I know this thread is pretty much dead, but i just want to ask you. How did you bend the aluminium, did you use any special tools and if so were did you get them from?
I am currently making a case shell using the frame off of a budget case (I dont have a lot of money)...


And need to know what i can use for bending sheet aluminium, about 1.2mm thick.
Thanks :D
IIRC he used a knife to score the sheet aluminium, but im not sure if he used a tool to bend it from there.

Hi David230!

Hope the work on the car's gone well! :)

Any further progress on the case? I can't wait to see how it develops! It's looking great! :cool:

gt_junkie said:
Hi David230!

Hope the work on the car's gone well! :)

Any further progress on the case? I can't wait to see how it develops! It's looking great! :cool:


Thanks m8,

Cars progressing better than the case at the moment I must admit. Although, If this naff weather continues I'll be back on the case pretty soon. :)

I'll see what I can do this weekend. ;)
David230 said:
Thanks m8,

Cars progressing better than the case at the moment I must admit. Although, If this naff weather continues I'll be back on the case pretty soon. :)

I'll see what I can do this weekend. ;)

how is it going now? :)
David230 said:
Test fitting of the rubber strip, well pleased with the look.

I even managed to almost make a proper circle with the Jigsaw!!!


Hi all, new to the forums :)

The case is looking very slick david.

Just a quick question, Where did you get that rubber strip stuff?
I've made a 120mm blow hole in the top of my case... and would like to tidy it up a tad.

I'm in the U.K.


You might be able to get some from a car spares shop or something, otherwise google is your friend.

Welcome to the forums, be sure to read the FAQ if you want to stay long.
newfan123 said:
Hi all, new to the forums :)

Welcome :)

newfan123 said:
Just a quick question, Where did you get that rubber strip stuff?
I've made a 120mm blow hole in the top of my case... and would like to tidy it up a tad.


You can get motorbike window trim from halfords for about £5, I think this is what he used.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I’ll pop out n look for some soon later today.

I did a little Google originally and couldn’t find any thin window trim like that but I’ll look for the motorbike trim as suggested thanks a lot. ;)
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