Home Secretary (finally) allows CBD oil for Billy Caldwell.


It doesn't help when you get people like this churning out their story on every TV show and in every paper.
She could prove this very easily by asking for her medical records and the correspondence alone would show what she was suffering with, what treatment she had and how she had been miraculously cured but she has never offered any proof and people lap it up.

People have been using Cannabis for years. Its just weird as it was previously frowned upon and now its some wonder cure. I don't by all this hype.
My best friends boss's wife had s3 breast cancer, the boss owns his own hydroponics company selling legally. He would also get gifts from customers of particularly strong herbs grown by his customers.
He took these gifts and made his own extremely strong Oil, he gave his wife 1gram on a biscuit or toast with butter a day for 3 months increasing the amount slightly every week.
At the end of the 3 months the breast cancer was tiny and in huge remission. The doctor who they had refused any treatment from was baffled and asked had they asked alternative therapies. This boss told him what they had done, withing 2 more months the cancer had completely disappeared. The doctor has now gone on his own quest to see why it isn't used for medicine. That's not the end of the story.

I myself developed a rare disease called erethema nodosum, an auto immune disease that caused me to not be able to walk for 3 years. I was told it was permanent at the age of 30.I had to use double crutches to walk to the bathroom.
After 3 years the steroids and pills I took lessened the disease to the point where I could painfully walk small distances once a day, or maybe just gotten used to the pain.
This disease flared up again and spread to my arms, so I couldn't walk or use my arms anymore (I used to play guitar and drums and be very active) it drove me to depression of the kind that was going to end in suicide, seeing my life now being a future of being fed and and taken to the toilet.
This friends boss gave me a large amount of this oil shortly after his wife's cancer has gone, as it was all left over. After 2-3 months of eating a small pea sized amount every day the disease disappeared completely, never to return again for the last 6 years.
I can now use my arms and legs perfectly again since that time. It doesn't end there..
Seeing these results we organised some of this oil for another friend that had developed brain cancer, again to keep the story short he was given this oil and after a few months he too is now totally fine.
True story and I am the proof and the subject of this.
Just leaving this here for anyone to find and get this story off my chest as I need to sometimes to remind myself how lucky I am to not be in a wheel chair for life, like all the doctors I saw over the years had said.

Edit# This was not cbd oil, this was pure thc oil
My best friends boss's wife had s3 breast cancer, the boss owns his own hydroponics company selling legally. He would also get gifts from customers of particularly strong herbs grown by his customers.
He took these gifts and made his own extremely strong Oil, he gave his wife 1gram on a biscuit or toast with butter a day for 3 months increasing the amount slightly every week.
At the end of the 3 months the breast cancer was tiny and in huge remission. The doctor who they had refused any treatment from was baffled and asked had they asked alternative therapies. This boss told him what they had done, withing 2 more months the cancer had completely disappeared. The doctor has now gone on his own quest to see why it isn't used for medicine. That's not the end of the story.

Because that isn't how medical research works....

It isn't like they're the only people who've ever tried taking this stuff while suffering from cancer, you've got no idea whether it had any effect at all and your story isn't just an anecdote but a retelling of an anecdote someone else has told you...

"yeah my mate's boss's wife one used it to treat cancer" - that is just silliness.

I myself developed a rare disease called erethema nodosum, an auto immune disease that caused me to not be able to walk for 3 years. I was told it was permanent at the age of 30.I had to use double crutches to walk to the bathroom.
After 3 years the steroids and pills I took lessened the disease to the point where I could painfully walk small distances once a day, or maybe just gotten used to the pain.
This disease flared up again and spread to my arms, so I couldn't walk or use my arms anymore (I used to play guitar and drums and be very active) it drove me to depression of the kind that was going to end in suicide, seeing my life now being a future of being fed and and taken to the toilet.
This friends boss gave me a large amount of this oil shortly after his wife's cancer has gone, as it was all left over. After 2-3 months of eating a small pea sized amount every day the disease disappeared completely, never to return again for the last 6 years.
I can now use my arms and legs perfectly again since that time. It doesn't end there..
Seeing these results we organised some of this oil for another friend that had developed brain cancer, again to keep the story short he was given this oil and after a few months he too is now totally fine.
True story and I am the proof and the subject of this.

Yeah the placebo effect is wonderful. Though to be fair it perhaps can help with chronic pain, I'd suspect the 3 years of steroids helped a bit there too not to mention that autoimmune diseases can go into remission. Oh and it also cured another mate of bran cancer...??? O RLY? I mean if it was this effective then please do link to the controlled trials of this stuff curing cancer?
And your attitude is why it's not being used.

This story, is me. My life over the last 9 years. I Was just sharing it.

The 24 tablets a day I took for 3 years did nothing, that I can swear. It was steroids, anti inflammatorys, painkillers and then pills to stop my stomach bleeding taking these pills.
I lost my home, my 9 year relationship, my signed band, my freedom, everything.
This is not a joke.
The boss story was context to why it even came about to try it. My other friend was because it had worked twice already.

Coincidence... I was there, ready to die. I'm here waliking running and living a normal life, as are all 3 of us.
Take it or leave it, your call. But i hope someone reads this that it helps, which is more than can be said for your reply.
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And your attitude is why it's not being used.

This story, is me. My life over the last 9 years. I Was just sharing it.

In the words of mags "Just LOL"

Honestly jog on with this promoting fake cancer cures BS, you're not helping anyone. What a surprise you produced no trials to back up your anecdotes... It isn't as though cancer patients aren't taking these sorts of products while undergoing trials, if it worked as you said then that would be a major breakthrough and the researchers would be incredibly happy. Back in reality it is funny how no one seems to report this sort of success when testing under controlled conditions.

Oh but it totally did happen and really works as a cure for cancer because some bloke on the internet claims that his mate's boss's wife was cured using it... sure...
In the words of mags "Just LOL"

Honestly jog on with this promoting fake cancer cures BS, you're not helping anyone. What a surprise you produced no trials to back up your anecdotes... It isn't as though cancer patients aren't taking these sorts of products while undergoing trials, if it worked as you said then that would be a major breakthrough and the researchers would be incredibly happy. Back in reality it is funny how no one seems to report this sort of success when testing under controlled conditions.

Oh but it totally did happen and really works as a cure for cancer because some bloke on the internet claims that his mate's boss's wife was cured using it... sure...
I'm not a scientist, there were no trials. And there are thousands of people that have had this success. You don't hear about it?
Funny how treating Illness and diseases areone of the worlds biggest profit makers for massive pharmaceutical companies. Trillions of dollars a year.

Imagine if those drugs and treatments could be replaced with a plant.
I'm not a scientist, there were no trials. And there are thousands of people that have had this success. You don't hear about it?

How do you know about the thousands of people then and why does this effect not present itself in clinical trials?

Funny how treating Illness and diseases areone of the worlds biggest profit makers for massive pharmaceutical companies. Trillions of dollars a year.

Funny how they don't have a monopoly on trials yet people always pull out some conspiracy angle when mentioning this supposed miracle cancer cure that seemingly no one has actually published anything on?

Honestly, get a grip, you're talking utter nonsense here and deserve to be called out over it. If you're right then back it up.

Imagine if those drugs and treatments could be replaced with a plant.

Yeah it would be huge... it would benefit loads of people if some magical oil could just cure cancer like that. Back in reality it never seems to actually happen....
How do you know about the thousands of people then and why does this effect not present itself in clinical trials?

Funny how they don't have a monopoly on trials yet people always pull out some conspiracy angle when mentioning this supposed miracle cancer cure that seemingly no one has actually published anything on?

Honestly, get a grip, you're talking utter nonsense here and deserve to be called out over it. If you're right then back it up.
How would you like me to back it up?
Like I said, this is just me telling my last 9 years of my life on this forum, I've never posted any where else
Dowies attitude in this thread is frankly disgusting.

I likewise have, anecdotally, seen a bed-bound mate who was on palliative care with weeks to live following prostate cancer that had spread make a huge recovery after taking high doses of CBD oil. He isnt cured, and likely never will be, but he now lives day to day as a normal person.

Guess that makes me spouting nonsense as well right?
Dowies attitude in this thread is frankly disgusting.

I likewise have, anecdotally, seen a bed-bound mate who was on palliative care with weeks to live following prostate cancer that had spread make a huge recovery after taking high doses of CBD oil. He isnt cured, and likely never will be, but he now lives day to day as a normal person.

Guess that makes me spouting nonsense as well right?

Can tell a similar tale here too, but to some people unless things are stamped, sanctioned and approved by "those who know all" then they are of no use...

I never thought I would have to do this on this forum.

We will not tolerate anyone advertising or advising nonsense untested "cures" for cancer.

I would hope most of our members are sensible enough to go with medical advice from professions and not random stories from people on a forum or facebook.
Things are "stamped, sanctioned and approved" when they are proven to to work and to be safe enough. What an outrageously sensible approach to medicine. People working in medicine are likely motivated to do good unto the world, and it would be any persons lifetime achievement to cure cancer. It wouldn't be their first thought to hide it and monetise it. This is obvious no?

That's not to say there aren't tons of unknown medicines to be explored but to claim to be able to cure cancer without proper scientific trials or proof is heartless to anyone suffering.
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How would you like me to back it up?
Like I said, this is just me telling my last 9 years of my life on this forum, I've never posted any where else

With evidence, perpetuating BS anecdotes about curing cancer is frankly ridiculous and actually pretty harmful.

Dowies attitude in this thread is frankly disgusting.

I likewise have, anecdotally, seen a bed-bound mate who was on palliative care with weeks to live following prostate cancer that had spread make a huge recovery after taking high doses of CBD oil. He isnt cured, and likely never will be, but he now lives day to day as a normal person.

Guess that makes me spouting nonsense as well right?

No it just makes you a bit naive. People do sometimes recover from cancer. There is no evidence AFAIK that CBD oil is some miracle cure for various forms of cancer as per the silly anecdotes above, if it were then you'd expect to see some evidence of it in trials. It isn't as though people with cancer aren't already taking it for say chronic pain etc... if your claim relates to treatment of chronic pain that then you're conflating this issue with something rather different!

There doesn't seem to be any evidence of miracle cures here and unsurprisingly the lunatics who keep on promoting this nonsense never seem to be able to produce any.

Honestly, people need to stop being so gullible and stop promoting this BS, it is both idiotic and potentially harmful, especially when one of the anecdotes above includes some absolute idiot refusing treatment "The doctor who they had refused any treatment from was baffled" and trying this stuff instead. It is reckless to promote that sort of thing.

The only disgusting attitude in here is that of the conspiracy loons perpetuating this ****.
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And your attitude is why it's not being used.

This story, is me. My life over the last 9 years. I Was just sharing it.

The 24 tablets a day I took for 3 years did nothing, that I can swear. It was steroids, anti inflammatorys, painkillers and then pills to stop my stomach bleeding taking these pills.
I lost my home, my 9 year relationship, my signed band, my freedom, everything.
This is not a joke.
The boss story was context to why it even came about to try it. My other friend was because it had worked twice already.

Coincidence... I was there, ready to die. I'm here waliking running and living a normal life, as are all 3 of us.
Take it or leave it, your call. But i hope someone reads this that it helps, which is more than can be said for your reply.

This is very easy to prove.
Your friends and you have the right to put in a Subject Access Request to your hospital free of charge and have your records. All you need to ask for is the Correspondence and this will show yours and their problems before and after the miracle has happened.
I had a journalist mate who contacted that Joy ball who made other extraordinary claims for her records and she basically told him to do one.
If you want people to believe you then just get the records for us all to see.
Dowies attitude in this thread is frankly disgusting.

I likewise have, anecdotally, seen a bed-bound mate who was on palliative care with weeks to live following prostate cancer that had spread make a huge recovery after taking high doses of CBD oil. He isnt cured, and likely never will be, but he now lives day to day as a normal person.

Guess that makes me spouting nonsense as well right?

No that is different, you are not making claims that CBD oil is going to cure his cancer.
I think most of us here knows that cannabis can help with symptoms.
Look, I even plainly said I just wanted to tell my story. I never once said "go and do it".
I'm sorry if I upset you guys, but it's all true. And it was not cbd oil.
Just delete my posts I wish I'd never bothered. Such an upsetting response to my life being told I'm a liar.
I could indeed get my friends boss, who is also my friend as is his wife, I just called him that because I don't want to use names,to provide evidence, as well as my own medical records.
Then what... You will believe me? I don't think so, I think you will pick holes until ridiculed. Even if you did, so what? Are you going to tell my story to others and have them laugh at you like you have done to me.
I was just telling the story, not to promote, but just because it was relevant to the thread and I wanted to remind myself of how lucky I am.
I'm done, sorry again for any upset caused.
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