Homeworld 1/2

I loved homeworld.Can it be bought digitally anywhere as i cant find my copies of all 3 of them :(

Im not sure, but i couldnt find it at the usual haunts. Ive still got my original release cd for HW1, and bought Cataclysm from cex for a couple of quid. You have to be quick to get one! I had my money refunded twice before i got one.
The soldout release can be found in any bargain bin, picked it up for a couple of quid rather than dig the bigbox out from the attic.

One of the best single player experiences ever created, if it ain't worth 2 quid, nothing is.

Just hit up the original campain, the mods are fun for a laugh, but not a patch on the narrative of the story... one of the pc's greatest:)
awesome games.

I much preferred HW1 to Cataclysm but i cant remember the differences to HW2 ?

Cataclysm was the one with the "disease" i think ?

God i might look for my Cds but no way have i kept the serial numbers.. :(

I remember doing that sphere of ships map over and over to salvage all the ion frigates.. and the multí - beam ones lol god the noise of them guns firing still makes me grin :O
I remember playing Cataclysm way back in...probably 2002 or 2003, when I should have been studying for exams. Such a good game though, as someone who isn't usually drawn to strategy games I absolutely loved it.

Awesome main menu music too:
OMG OMG OMG HW3 ?!?!?!? Can i have a link please??

Got HW on the day of release in October 1999, BEST GAME EVER.

For me HW was the best, then Cata, then HW2. Don't think the series got dumbed down as it went on, if anything each game got slightly deeper than the next.

I used to constantly be in the top 20 in the world on WON on HW MP but never finished the SP! Shocking.
Chris [BEANS];21445816 said:
Sauce is required!!

I loved HW 1 & 2, never played Cataclysm.
I would absolutely buy a new PC to play HW3, no question!!


Cataclysm is the best one :) I loved the story behind it all.
HW for the story, cata for the beast but the ships were pap imo, hw2 was visually nice but too much of a rush and no great formation options like in hw 1 and i think the ships were less as well and i didnt like the vaygr storyline.

There is no hw3 coming its just rumor atm ever since relic got the IP back. Nothing new has changed in years. Maybe one day they will do another one but i aint gona wait around for it, if it comes tho i would be hyper happy about it and instant buy it as long as it was a true homeworld game.
Cataclysm had a fantastic storyline and great voice acting, it was just a pity that the beast thingie made anything that couldn't flush an infection redundant. I loved the fleet of little drone things that could surround your ship and create a force field.
Played alittle HW1 and 2 lastnight

Cant get HW1 to run properly, disappointing, had to give up due to eye strain.

Played HW2 got it working eventually. I dont remember it being so pap. Ships pop so quickly and it lacked the options of HW1 as mentioned above..

Like many of my past gaming memories i wish i had kept them in the past when they were good lol.
Only played hw1 very briefly out of curiosity but found the graphics way too crusty to enjoy. HW2 on the other hand was epic, absolutely loved it even though I'm a shocking rts player. I think I cheated my way through the last few missions as that game was brutal, the ai cheats like crazy and could build units at about twice the speed the player could.

Would be very interested in seeing HW3.
the ai cheats like crazy and could build units at about twice the speed the player could.

Would be very interested in seeing HW3.

Hah yeah, far as I remember the value of the enemy fleet was always some sort of multiple of the value of your fleet at the start of the mission. An easy way to game the system was to recycle all of your ships at the end of each mission, so at the start of the next mission the enemy would get a tiny fleet but you'd have loads of RUs ready and wiating to build a massive force.

HW3 could be great if it was done right. Could all be wishful thinking though.
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