Hong Kong and its assimilation with mainland China

I saw this in the news earlier but i don't understand whats going on. Can someone do a summary for dummies like me please?
1997 our lease on HK ran out.
Agreement with China, one country two systems policy to run for 50 years til 2047.
China has reneged on the premise by introducing harsh new laws.
Even if they had offered do you think governments back then would have been naive enough to build the Soviet Union up economically like we have done China (at our own expense)? would the Soviet Union have eventually collapsed if we did? there was the Berlin wall totally separating us that's how much we wanted to trade. Oh and btw the East Germans on the Communist side called the Berlin wall the "anti-fascist protection barrier" because their people were propagandised into believing that the free-west were all a bunch of fascists. Sound familiar? look it up if you don't believe me.

Goods can be manufactured over here and corporations will still make a huge profit selling at the same prices, they just won't make as much profit. Manufacturing in China is solely about increasing profits. Oh and with more manufacturing jobs in the UK more people will have more money to buy their products.

Guess the difference was that they were an enemy at the end of ww2 and they were attempting to spread communism,China have never been much of a military threat ,well until now.

Agree with profit margins,only have to look at apples mark up on the phones it manufacturers over there..(sure it's China)

The rich are in control and will not let governments get in the way of profit margins over humanity
Guess the difference was that they were an enemy at the end of ww2 and they were attempting to spread communism,China have never been much of a military threat ,well until now so they have always got away with their bad goings on(Korean war withstanding)

Agree with profit margins,only have to look at apples mark up on the phones it manufacturers over there..(sure it's China)

The rich are in control and will not let governments get in the way of profit margins over humanity
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