Honour the dead in a wedding speech?

Check with the Bride and Groom and go with what they want.

A friend of mine got married recently and he grandfather had died a few months before. She had a picture of him in her bouquet and left his seat in the seating plan as he meant so much to her. In that situation it would have been bad taste to not mention him.
I am being married in three weeks, and I as the groom feel that I should make reference to the recently deceased,

most recently my sister, who died aged 41 in February, she was meant to be at the wedding,

and also my fiancés mother and grandmother, who passed away within 4 weeks of each other last year,

I wouldn't start thanking everyone who has ever died in the family's, but those who you would have realistically have expected to be there, if they hadn't passed,

and of course, its just before the main speech and thanks you's, and not drawn out.
The recently deceased should definitely be mentioned. Briefly and in a positive manner. Toasted too, if others are being toasted in the speech. I think it would be bad form to avoid the issue, unless the departed were distinctly unpleasant or unpopular.
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