Hookhanded Hamza guilty!!

thepharcyde said:
Not defending the guy, but reason for his disfigurement is due to clearing western laid landmines in Afghanistan.

Tough. It doesn't excuse what he did.
thepharcyde said:
Not defending the guy, but reason for his disfigurement is due to clearing western laid landmines in Afghanistan.

Or was it more a case of dismantling mines for explosives to make bombs with hmm.

Come to think of it when did the west lay mines in Afghanistan, we stopped laying minefields a long time ago.
vonhelmet said:
No one said it did, but it does make an interesting point about why he might be a teensy bit peeved with the West.

If he is so annoyed with the west why is he making it all about religion and not state?
Von Smallhausen said:
A very poor sentence and he will be free in less than 5 years, not a great deterrent in my book and he will get 2 days remission for every day spent on remand.

Let's hope the US application for extradition is upheld.

Don't worry, after he completes his misery sentence, he'll be extradited to the US and then Guantanamo Bay. :cool:
Murf said:
If he is so annoyed with the west why is he making it all about religion and not state?

To many Muslims, religion and state are one and the same. That's why they don't understand why the government doesn't really care about religious cartoons published by newspapers. They don't understand that the press, state and religion can all be separate.
Von Smallhausen said:
Not very good at it then ?

Why not use one of those tanks with the chains on the front ;) But you can see why he is peed off with the westerners, which I think he has just cause for but..........

inciting hatred in my country is not to be tolerated, and I hope the US get thier hands on him and hang him upside down with his emmmmmm hook!
Von Smallhausen said:
One eye and lack of hands ?

Russians laid them against the Mujaheddin the native Afghanistan natives who Abu Hamza was part off. I just read a book following a British soldier who left the SAS and became a sort of mercenary against the russians and taught them how to use modern weapons
thepharcyde said:
Not defending the guy, but reason for his disfigurement is due to clearing western laid landmines in Afghanistan.

Thats what he'd want people to believe but the truth is that he probably stole something in Saudi Arabia or he spent too much time spanking the monkey.
thepharcyde said:
Not defending the guy, but reason for his disfigurement is due to clearing western laid landmines in Afghanistan.

Mmm, if I had to guess, I'd say a bomb exploded while he was assembling it.
I heard he lost his hand because he punched the queen mum loads, and lost his eye because he head butted Princess Di a little too hard.
Visage said:
I heard he lost his hand because he punched the queen mum loads, and lost his eye because he head butted Princess Di a little too hard.

Actually i heard he was the one who killed princess Di and this is his punishment :p, getting an eye knocked out and having a hook for an arm:p
Visage said:
I heard he lost his hand because he punched the queen mum loads, and lost his eye because he head butted Princess Di a little too hard.

Nah, the Queen Mum was a hardened gin swigger and would have chinned Hamza in a flurry of lightning quick punches and then throttled him with leg bandages.
Spawn said:
Actually i heard he was the one who killed princess Di and this is his punishment :p, getting an eye knocked out and having a hook for an arm:p

I heard that he's actually satan, and is responsible for every evil thing in the world. He's actually 18ft tall and breathes fire and has laser beams that shoot from his eyes.
thepharcyde said:
Not defending the guy, but reason for his disfigurement is due to clearing western laid landmines in Afghanistan.
Thats the story his supporters promote. Others say he was making a bomb which blew up as he was working on it.
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