Hookhanded Hamza guilty!!

Just said on the news he could be out in 18 months, 18 ******* months!!!!!! :eek: , best joke ive heard all day, that'll be doing the club circuit that one will, did you hear about Hooky Hamza, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... and the judge said you'll be out in 18 months!!! BUM BUM TISH!! cue the crowd in fits of laughter. :D
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fozzybear said:
Thats what he'd want people to believe but the truth is that he probably stole something in Saudi Arabia or he spent too much time spanking the monkey.

Abu Hamza lost his eye and hand due to making bombs, one of them accidently went off. Abu tried his best to minimize the amount of damage to his body by shielding the bomb with his hand.

Source of this info: friend of Abu Hamza who is someone who works for NTL as a telecom engineer.
He only gets 7 years, he will probably only serve 2 or 3 of them too.

How utterly stupid yet so typical of how this country is these days.

They have now made a martyr without even sending out a deterrent message at the same time.

Utterly, utterly British.
Sleepy said:
:confused: He's still alive so how does jailing him turn old hook hand into a martyr?

Please tell me you are joking?

He is locked up, he doesn't have to be physically dead to be a "martyr to the cause".

We are talking about a small group of people who would protest if he were to get a parking ticket practically.
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