Horizon Zero Dawn - remastered

Hold that thought because...

I don't see the problem with PSN
I was happy to link Steam with PSN because then I can track my game progress across PS5 and PC

As for the upgrade offer... Completed Zero Dawn and loved it, but will wait until its less than a fiver. It's essentially just a hi-res texture pack so should be free imo
I don't see the problem with PSN
I was happy to link Steam with PSN because then I can track my game progress across PS5 and PC

Yes but not everyone wants to do that. At least be given the choice.

Also PSN is not available in every country. Locking people out from playing the PC version. Previous Sony games are having the same backlash.

People are not happy with giving away their information or signing upto another service "just because" when its not necessary.

Like last week, there is a free Metal Slug game on Steam. I downloaded it to try, then I was hit with some generic login page before I could play the game....wasn't login into Steam enough!?!

So I uninstalled the game. Never bothered.
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I wouldn't bother going back to a game I've bounced off 3 times already, especially when they means spending more money on it, even if it's only a tenner.
Quite liked it but got carried away with something else then didn't go back to it. I'm a lot better now and concentrate on one game at a time.
What a load of tripe, it's not even that old. Why can't they just launch a game properly in the first place instead of shafting original purchasers with a cash grab like this?
New revenue model for the gaming industry to keep incoming cashflow. One off game sales is not good enough for execs, how would they get their bonuses otherwise :D.
I have played this twice, 200 hours to get all the achievements.

Not once did I think it needed better graphics. The only improvement I would think justifies money is mocap for the base game cutscenes as they were a bit basic.
People are losing their jobs in this industry and then you have Sony spending money remastering a last gen title. Can someone remind me why this game needs to be remastered?
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I think the PC version is quite flaky as it was their first PlayStation port. Hopefully, they'll get it running better second time around. :p
Why are people getting so upset by this? If you don't want to buy it don't. No-one's been diddled out of anything. The game is last gen, they need to sell PS5 Pros... also they were never going to make the PC version better than the PS4/PS5 version, it was only every going to reach parity with DLSS and widescreen support otherwise they're turning people away from the Playstation ecosystem. I've only got a few hours into this, and i'll probably spring the extra tenner (or less) before i carry on, or start again. I got it on the PC for a bargain price anyway...
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Not sure what it was like at launch, but I played it earlier this year and had no issues at all
I heard it wasn't great on the launch version but was patched up quickly.

I do wonder how they'll manage those who bought the original on GoG? Will they also have the upgrade made available for cheap? Or are they going to be ignored as sony seem to have abandoned the store.
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