Horrific Crash on M6

Seriously sad :(


"Motorists were also affected by another crash on the M6 when a car travelling north between junctions 15 and 14 crossed the central reservation and hit a van heading south. "

Involving an foreign truck driver! Doesn’t surprise me. :(

Portuguese too! If you've ever driven in Portugal then this will not be a shock at all. We were ran off the road twice by trucks over there, both times they were on the wrong side of the road, i.e. our side and barrelling towards us with no intention of moving. One of the times, we ended up in a ditch at the side of the road and had to be pulled out by a local guy with a Toyota pick-up.
Heard about this on radio this morning. Thankfully I joined the M6 further north.

With the driver being foreign, don't they have different laws as to how long they can keep driving for? I'm sure we have rules saying we have to have breaks after certain periods of time but overseas drivers don't have these..
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Although what Fothsn said could be seen as racist, he has a point. They drive on other side of road? And I believe its a lot harder for them to see cars moving then it is for UK drivers. Often quite common for cars to be side swiped cos its in a blind spot.

R.I.P to those involved though :(

What a job firemen/police doing going to accidents and dealing with such things.
Meh. Am I the only person who thinks this is no different to the X thousands of people who die everyday.

I only care about people I know - I don't have it in me to care about the other 6bn.
Meh. Am I the only person who thinks this is no different to the X thousands of people who die everyday.

I only care about people I know - I don't have it in me to care about the other 6bn.

But can you not empathize with the situation and the families involved?
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