Hot Fuzz **SPOILERS**

Big let down for me, it was never going to get to the heights of SotD but I thought it might get close.

Giving away the best bits in the trailer is a shame too. I thought if those bits were used in the trailer the rest must be bloody funny!
the thing to remember about sotd and hf is that they are two different types of films. sure that both have some level of spoofyness about them but sotd was more comedy that hot fuzz, hf was more of an action film.
Protoman said:
the thing to remember about sotd and hf is that they are two different types of films. sure that both have some level of spoofyness about them but sotd was more comedy that hot fuzz, hf was more of an action film.

In which case Hot Fuzz still fails as it isn't a particularly good action film. In fact the point at which it starts to go wrong, in my opinion, is at the point where the bullets start flying.

Shaun of the Dead on the other hand managed to be both a comedy and a horror from start to finish. Making it a more cohesive and accomplished film.
Watched this the other night. Didn't find it funny at all tbh. I think I laughed once or twice, but not funny on the whole. The bit from Point Blank was hilarious. :D But me not finding it funny was/is just me as everyone else in the cinema was cracking up.

BUT, this played the same ace as Shaun Of The Dead did and it paid off. :cool: In SOTD the horror element of the film was totally undisturbed, they just plonked some comedy on top of it. They did the same thing here but with action instead of horror. And it was bloody superb. :cool: I really enjoyed this film for the cheesy action. The bit near the end with Simon Pegg going through town on his horse, superb. :cool:

The film was a bit iffy for me whilst watching it, but nearing the end it was brilliant.
Pumpkinstew said:
In which case Hot Fuzz still fails as it isn't a particularly good action film. In fact the point at which it starts to go wrong, in my opinion, is at the point where the bullets start flying.

Shaun of the Dead on the other hand managed to be both a comedy and a horror from start to finish. Making it a more cohesive and accomplished film.

I loved the last part of the film. Its by far the best bit.
I was never a great fan of SotD, but I enjoyed Hot Fuzz, especially the 30 mins or so, where the action starts heating up. That said, I never laughed out once, although I don't think I've ever laughed out loud in a cinema before.
Saw it last night and thought it was great :D. It was a packed cinema and there were loads of laughs throughout the whole film. I think it helped that my girlfriend is from Somerset (about 10 miles from where it was filmed) and I love the west country accent, alright lover!
SOTD was a good film although I didn't laugh much during it, Hot Fuzz was a lot funnier and I prefer it by a long way :).
Saw this a week ago, whilst it was a good film I didn't find this as funny as SOTD. I cracked up watching SOTD but this one, was alright some funny moments but other its just a good film.
After gorwing up a small village, I absolutely loved this film! :D

I love they way the cast are all familiar British TV actors/actresses, it gives it that village local people feel.
Just got back from the cinema, thought it was brilliant. Not as good as SotD, but i didn't expect it to be. Well worth going to see.
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