It's too hot for me, really not enjoying it at all. I like to see the sun but I can't stand the heat. I'll be much happier when summer is over.
Going to cut the grass in a bit. It's looking a bit like a jungle, but leaving it to grow out a bit seems to do it the world of good in the bare patches.
UPDATE: its 46'c now :o


Time is an hour out, I know this, it keeps updating from a german time signal despite me telling it not to.


Note: That's a direct sunlight temp, air temp is around 31°c
Strawberry picking with my mother, fantastic day for it.

Back home watching the tennis, suns burning in the garden so retreated to the house.
Some people do not enjoy this weather.

The same people who might not complain when it's cold. Like me ;)

Quite ... personally I don't mind if it's cold as it's relatively easy to warm up, cooling down is a lot harder particularly when fans just move hot air around.

During the day it's been possible to hide away to minimize the heat but when the temperature isn't dropping very low overnight it makes things very uncomfortable. Going to work tomorrow shouldn't be to bad as I leave to get there early but coming home will be hell.

10C cooler would be great, 15C cooler would be better.
I like the heat I want to move to the equator so i can have heat all year round. When you have heat all year round your body adjusts to the heat and there always tends to be more facilities to cater for the heat like pools and air cons which makes it much more enjoyable.
I usually hate the hot weather but my back is seizing up after following my physio regime and the sun is providing the world's biggest heat pack :). Just got to avoid burning by baldy bonce :D.
Ran about 10 miles through beautiful scenery. Regretted running in the midday sun. Cold shower. Greasy Pizza. Wimbledon. Mow the lawn. Wash Clothes.

Productive sunday.
BBQ'd a butterflied leg of lamb, now inside with A/C on, set to 18c watched the F1 and now the Tennis. :)
Got back from holiday in Portugal on Friday so loving this hot weather. Just about to go and fire up the bbq before slowly starting to get depressed about going into work tomorrow, I knew I should have had a couple of extra days off :(
To hot, naked in bed watched the f1 now just uncomftable. It never needs to be anove 25-26
And why can't we have realy cold white winters.
28.9 degrees and that's inside. Meant to be 32~ outside.

Now only if I still lived by the sea:( at least sea swimming is nice in this heat.
Watched few days ago on bbc that highest ever temperature recorded was in death valley, 56c... how the hell you spitting out close to 60 here??

Because it's OcUK, where nobody ever seems to understand how temperature is measured :p

43c at my work yesterday, going to be even hotter today. Fun fun fun.

Like this guy, who needs to inform the Met Office given the highest recorded temperature yesterday was at Heathrow, where it was 28.1c :p
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I hate hot weather so indoors all curtains drawn and playing Far Cry 3. I just got a proper hi-speed fan as well and the thing is a jet engine! Sounds like a turboprop. I have heavy-duty sun blockers on all windows so living room pitch dark with this monster fan going and Jason onscreen slaughtering pirates :D

Cant wait for sunset. I may not like summer but dont mind the cool evenings and dawns.
I don't like hot weather in the UK, it's just uncomfortable and makes me miserable. Just got back from turkey where it's been around 40 degrees give or take every day, and I could certainly feel it but its not quite so muggy like here and there was air con at the apartment which I don't have at home :(

Prefer cool weather over here.
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