Oh yeah, come to Cornwall, it's nothing but Teslas and Ferarris and Porsches on every street.
Man, I bet if we all sold our supercars we could all afford to buy 3 or 4 houses each!
e: Why stop at cars anyhow.. I bet some people who can't afford a house had the *audacity* to buy a mobile phone! And probably even a TV! And I bet they have the internet too!
Look at all the money they are spending! If they really want a house they should buy nothing but a couple loaves of bread each week, and save literally everything else.
*This is what some people actually believe.
Actually you are right about the mobile phones.
My mobile was only £300 brand new and the wife's £150 brand new.
I'd also argue my phone can do anything any other phone can including the £1500 ones out there. It's a Poco f2 pro th specs are pretty ridiculous for £300 bar the high refresh rate screen which you don't need on a phone it has everything. Problem with many of the masses is that they are too dumb to realise what they are spending their money on. Overpriced lease deals and contracts when put into context.
Sure I buy expensive stuff too and make mistakes but I learn from them. Whereas I see other folk just getting the latest iPhone year after year and spending up to £80 a month on the contracts. My sim only deal is £8 a month in comparison. I've also had the latest and greatest when it comes to phones and then I realised when they started hitting £500+ that it was a pointless endeavour and only going to get worse so nipped it in the bud.
I'll still go out and buy top of the range stuff but it's a much more thought out purchase. For example a car seat I'll have no qualms buying a brand new one for £400+. Safety and health comes first over money. However I'd also be happy with borrowing other items from other folk who no longer need them like a £200 baby bouncer so that's £200 in my pocket and hand it back after 3-6 months.
Colleagues of mine know I tend to find really good deals and I'm good with money so they regularly ask me for advice and when I suggested that they buy a second hand pram it's as if I had told them to sell themselves. I even showed them there is a local charity which specialises in them and they safety check everything and they sell stuff that's in good nick anything that isn't gets recycled or binned or passed onto a company that repairs them if minor faults. I showed them a £850 pram in brilliant nick only 3 months old the original owners had moved abroad and donated it and they wanted only £150 for it. Bare in mind the thing was fully loaded and in brand new condition. She still refused to even go and take a look in the shop and spent circa £1000 on a brand new pram.
Car seats are different you must buy new but a pram can easily be safety checked and you can tell if it's in good nick by the wheels, condition of the fabric, etc.
A lot of folk these days unfortunately are a victim of social media. They see what other people have and they see other people buying brand new Gucci belts and then it's programmed into them that they warrant them too.
When I was 18 I'd be buying £300+ items of clothing too. In fact I still do nowadays too but it's not on a pair of trainers like back then but something that will last me at least a decade if not a lifetime.
If people were much more savvy with their spending they could likley buy a home quite easily. Not in London but on most other places they could.
I have no idea about your locale's situation but if house prices are expensive they must be for a reason. Wages must be comparable or it's a sought after location. Unfortunately that means of you don't earn enough to warrant living there then that's just life.
Otherwise quick hand me £15 million and I'll go buy a home in my dream location on the other side of the planet.