How are energy drinks legal?

I use Sneak Energy. Marketed as a gamers drink. Sugar free, plus containers electrolytes for reducing dehydration. Says get 40 servings but get about 46. There’s a starter pack with sachets of most of the flavours and make up with water.
I used to drink some as a teenager. I can't remember which way round but one was Shark, one Blue Bear. Supermarket knock offs.

Shark was obviously better. Now in my 30s not had any in years.

Had a red bull vodka at a gig recently as I was falling asleep. Still fell asleep.
Agreed re. the smell though, it just smells of chemicals. I didn't used to hate it, I can only assume its some residual association with hangovers caused by too many vodka & redbull in my student days!

Exactly the same for me. It's horrifying to think I'd have probably drank about 5-10 vodka redbulls in a night. Especially as in recent years we've heard of young students who've suffered cardiac problems because the alcohol delays the caffeine reactions, and with so many redbulls it's then a caffeine overload.

Not really a fan of vodka anymore, and haven't touched a redbull in at least 15 years.
Haha yes, true, but there's "food chemicals", and "drain unblocker chemicals", and redbull is a lot closer to the latter than the former :cry:

Ha, fair enough! Personally, I love the taste/smell of most energy drinks. I'd also drink many cough medicines by the bottle if it weren't for those pesky active ingredients.

Perhaps I'm a weirdo...
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I can't stomach the original black/green monster cans but I occasionally buy the white ultra one as a treat.

They can easily become habitual because they are often right near the checkout and I used to grab them whenever I'd refuelled the car.

No drink has ever had me as wired as jack3d. That stuff was ridiculous. About ten years ago now mind.
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The watermelon monster is great - and sugar free. I also like the mule too (it’s lightly carbonated ginger beer flavour)

I don’t drink any of them containing sugar. Feels like it’s dissolving your teeth as you drink.
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