How are your pets coping tonight?

Even with the windows open, my dog didn't even flinch. My dog was a little more angry about a helicopter passing over my house, however. :D
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We are away in the middle of Wales. Not heard a single bang. It's lovely.

Our dog is a bit nervous from fireworks. Only had him 6 months and he's a rescue from Bosnia
Friday (cat) was fairly chilled this evening, the kids were really excited and kept jumping up at the windows trying to see the fireworks.

Hit them with a rolled up newspaper a couple of times and they soon stopped.
Next door's dog barks at other dogs, at the postie, at anyone in the garden, when washing up, when emptying cupboards, when the TV is on louder than usual, when the bins are being emptied...

Thunder? Nothing
Fireworks? Nothing
My Louis (Lab) passed last year but he was fine with them. Running to the back door, tail wagging. Once he was out he was chasing them around the garden, well trying too anyway. The cats we have however, were initially startled but were fine. Got into a debate with a new puppy owner on face book. She was fuming over them, saying how her pup was terrified. I told her, take it for a walk and when one goes off, reassure it, give it a treat and a good boy/girl speech. it was a labrador. Gun dog. She wouldn't accept any help, just telling everyone how bad they are and inconsiderate.
Ours are all mostly ok, the dog isn’t a fan but nowhere near as bad as some. I don’t mind Guy Fawkes/NYE when you know it’s coming but some selfish **** set one off over summer while our dog was in the front garden and he bolted. It took two hours to find him a few streets over. :mad: Anything could have happened.
Cats are fine, but the fish are ****ing themselves :cry:

Mine are fine but it would be nice if it just stopped at some point. Relentless for 3 hours weeks
Ftfy :mad:

They should be banned/restricted to organised displays.

Sadly its the idiots who ruin it for everyone as always, I don't mind fireworks, however I do mind being woken up in the early hours every single ****ing night for a month.
We used to have to put a "Thundershirt" on our big butch Doberman because of the fireworks. I think he grew a complex because I would **** myself laughing whenever I looked at him :D.
Is this a modern thing about pets being scared of fireworks? I don't remember my dog ever giving a crap.

I think some breeds are more susceptible to fearing loud sounds. Ours isn't bothered by them in the slightest thankfully - can even take him out in the garden when they're going off.

Our neighbours have an old greyhound/whippet and he's terrified of loud noises.
She wouldn't accept any help, just telling everyone how bad they are and inconsiderate.

This is what annoys me about people when they use the "you're being inconsiderate" line for things.

Why am I being inconsiderate to you when I am doing what I am doing... Aren't you being inconsiderate to me when you are asking me to not to do what I want to do?

Don't use Spaniels name in vain!

They are proper dogs, unlike these mongrel furrbaby cuddle items owned by Karen NIMBYs.

And therein lies another issue.... The constant humanisation of animals and, even more so, pets.

So many comments I read with "my wee girl is shaking here" or "my little boy is doing so well on his walk"

It's a dog... It's not a "wee girl" or "little man", it's a dog.

A pub/restaurant I know of even has a doggy menu and a doggy sweet menu so the owners can have a meal with their dog FFS

It's the same thing, and a particular tactic of the militant vegans to try and emotionally blackmail meat eaters, with humanising farm and wild animals - "baby sheep" or "baby cows"... No, it's a lamb and a calf.
My cat hid in the wardrobe.

Thankfully none of our neighbours have had any. One of our neighbours owns horses out in the paddock behind us, they don’t seem mind so long as they’re not close by.
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