how can i keep track of threads i create or post in easily?

Why would you want to do this anyway?

It used to be something you could change, each tier you "unlocked" a new picture and you could pick the one you wanted. Whereas now you are stuck with whatever picture aligns with your post count.
Don’t even know why there’s avatars is what I meant.
Oh right lol. :p

I think you can turn them off. Or you used to be able to. Or maybe that was a third party plugin. I don't know.

They are just part of the history of the forum. Different mafia members and mafia ranks, used to be guns.
i was wondering about the mafia theme ha ha

i dont watch those sorts of movies or shwos though so i dont know who any of the people are ! i just recognise the say hello to my little friend guy!

i put this in the wrong thread ha ha

i have fixed it now there is a button on the alert dropdown with alert preferences !
that combined with the bit above has got things how i like !

has the forum changed by the way? i was last here 5 years ago and it looks mostly the same but menus and stuff seem very unfamilliar ...
Does watching a thread automatically show only new posts? Ive always wanted a way to navigate quickly to first unread posts in threads I'm interested in. I currently just keep tabs open on them but seems a clunky way of doing it.
ooh i know this one ha ha

the little envelope on the left in the watched thread list click that and it will take you to unread its yellow if there have been new posts or gray if not !

remember that from when i was here last time it hasnt changed
Haha it still amazes me how many don't know that especially after being here for a long time.

Clicking the envelope icon will always take you to your first unread post, or there is a "go to first unread" button at the top and bottom of threads too if you enter them in a random place.:)

There is a dot on the middle of the envelope if you have posted in the thread, and no dot if you have not. Yellow and open if the thread has recent posts, red and open with paper spilling out if there have been LOADS of posts, though I haven't noticed that icon in a while, it might not have been carried over to the new software. :p

The watched thread list by default only shows threads with unread posts (with a yellow or red envelope) or you can click "show all watched threads" to see the threads that don't have new posts.
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