How can i revamp our clubs website.

11 Oct 2005
Hi, we have a club web site which was made ages ago and the person who originally made it has sadly passed away.

I update what I can. But would definitely benefit from a refresh and better look.

What are my options please.

Club is
I use something called cPanel from Voyager servers to make changes (what little I manage to do)

Thank you
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Host? not sure what you mean, i can get onto the website through some on-line control panel and change dates and wording etc, can also change images, just takes a while as have to resize, save a copy, delete original copy and replace etc.

Is that what you mean?

I do not want anything amazing, just something a bit more prettier, a way of adding more images and just being a bit more up to date.

Know idea as well why the orignal website address didnt work
There's millions of bootstrap free templates available then you just edit the code. The main design on bootstrap templates is already done you just edit them with a bit code.

Yes I mean access to the host. That site can be replicated in couple hours with a new full template.

For what that site is I would say keep away from Wordpress personally it's a small site that doesn't need the complexity of a database IMO.
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Thank you Gary,

So if I download this bootstrap and have a play at making a newer website, do i then somehow just upload it into my cPanel that i use in a partuclar folder? (as there is many folders)
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Everything usually goes in public_html with cpanel. public_html is like accessing

The best thing about HTML Bootstrap is you can edit it offline and just upload it because a web browser doesn't need any server-side code to run.

Use an application like notepad++ > edit > save and then refresh. Once you get what you like just upload the files to the server folder. OR if you want just make a new folder call it newsite or something like that and put all the files inside that.

It's all up to you really. Bootstrap templates are made cross device friendly so phone, laptop, desktop all works magically.
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Appreciate this Gary,
So basically, backup and remove everything existing in Public.html folder and replace with something I make with & in Bootstrap and that will be the new site?

Correct, make sure you back everything up though in a compressed folder. When it asks you just save it as a zip and download it. Double check you have all files backed up.

You could also just move all those files into a new folder like .website_backup or something like that just so you can restore if anything goes wrong.

It's all up to you.
Thanks, 1 last question then I will leave you to enjoy your evening,

This Bootstrap, I just download it (along with Notepad++) and I can 'build' the website on my laptop and see what it is like before putting it on the 'real internet' so to speak.

I just have to find a template that suits me, our needs and our hobby and tweak it to fit

Thanks so much
Thanks, 1 last question then I will leave you to enjoy your evening,

This Bootstrap, I just download it (along with Notepad++) and I can 'build' the website on my laptop and see what it is like before putting it on the 'real internet' so to speak.

I just have to find a template that suits me, our needs and our hobby and tweak it to fit

Thanks so much

That's correct build it offline then once you are happy with it just upload it to public_html, I'm not doing much until I'm a celeb comes on at 9 so ask any questions you like :)

P.S these folders below are from wordpress, you don't need them if it's not installed. But back them up though just in case. I think that's what's happening when you go to the main site. Probably index.php is causing that. Backup files before making any changes.

Error establishing a database connection​


Anything relating to the following files below is a wordpress install.

Last edited: has a lot of free templates too.

Requires some work with something like Notepad++, but it’s quite enjoyable seeing the fruits of your labour once you suss it out.

Get onto some HTML learning sites and you’ll be tweaking the templates to your own needs in no time.

A resource such as this is a good starting place…

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