How can people be so daft at using a microwave grill ...

Veg that has been frozen after picking is fresher than fresh veg.

False. Your veg may be frozen but it is treated. It also could well have been sitting around in its 'fresh' frozen state for months.

Fresh veg does not have to come from a supermarket aisle or out of a packet either.
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False. Your veg may be frozen but it is treated. It also could well have been sitting around in its 'fresh' frozen state for months.

It could be, but I can usually tell by the flavor, these ones I get are very fresh and tastier than normal veg.

Birds Eye frozen veg and other steamfresh products are also very healthy and frozen very quickly after picking.

Even if its been frozen for months, it retains it freshness far longer than chilled or room temperature vegetables do.

The other benefit of frozen veg is that it stays fresh for a lot longer, and doesnt expire as quickly as non frozen veg does, thats actually why I started getting it because I'm fed up of fresh veg going off too quickly.

Veg that has been frozen for months is still fresher than veg that has been chilled for 5 days.
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