How come my 2nd HD isn't showing?

Go to Start>Control panel(In classic mode)>Administrative tools>Computer Management>Disk management. Does your drive appear there? If so, you will probably have to mount it and format it.
Right, i've followed your instructions and it shows the HD with windows on and another one that isn't partitioned, but it says the other one is only 128GB when it should be 250GB?
fenderbass86 said:
Right, i've followed your instructions and it shows the HD with windows on and another one that isn't partitioned, but it says the other one is only 128GB when it should be 250GB?

Install service pack2 for windows and then try it.
Well its not really the formating the OP wants to do after installing SP2, its more the partitioning that would be the problem, but yeah I know what your getting at.
If you just go into the disk management and right click on the drive to partition and format it. The reason why its best to do that after installing SP2 is that if you did it before, you would end up with 1 partition of 127Gb, then once you installed SP2 you could partition the remaining space, so you would end up with 2 partitions, whereas if you leave it all until SP2 is installed, you can partition the whole drive as one.
Wicked, thanks Messiah Khan, you're a pal! :)

Oh, off the topic, how do I make my keyboard as UK standard? I just went along with English (US) on the windows install.
Check control panel -> regional and language options.

1) Set Standards and Formats to English UK, click Apply
2) Under languages in Test Services and Input Languages select English UK as default, click apply, then select English US in Installed services and click delete.
3) Then go to Advanced and select English UK in Language for non Unicode Programs.
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