Easy to use across all platforms
Free for 40 minutes
No account needed
Very, very reliable, even over fairly poor internet links
Absolutely this for the masses.
I'd add in the SMB world it was a revelation for early adopters. Prior to Zoom, Webex was dominant and their business model had the ability to separate the voice and video provision. The idea that firms could bundle up better priced offerings to corporate customers and Webex was the unifying overlay. But depending on who provided the underlying tech it could suck big time. Zoom did away with all that - one unified platform that worked well and better suited than Skype at the time. The free 40 minutes was also hugely beneficial to early SMB adopters. We could provision a number of paid for pro accounts but keep free accounts for irregular users. Teams could do 30 minute stand ups without us paying. If you're in the MS ecosystem then Teams is pretty much free as I understand and a quality product. But if you're going to pay then Zoom's enterprise plans are pretty compelling. The addition of Zoom phone for low volume VOIP stuff has helped us a lot, their webinar stuff is well liked and the DTEN devices go down well with our regular users and it's all very simple to administrate from an IT perspective. We get next to no tickets raised for Zoom issues.