Yes the UK is a good place to live in the whole world.
But it's **** to see it going backwards
Seeing the state pension go up by inflation while people's jobs lag behind.. Knowing you'll probably never see that pension you yourself are paying for.
The boomer generation is the peak.
Where you can have one parent earning and a family.
Where many have final salary pensions.
Where a mediocre job and some. Sensible choices like buying a house can make you a millionaire.
I can't see that happening again. UK is on the decline. I don't see anyway to stop it that's going to happen.
It doesn't get me down. But I'm damn glad I'm not a kid now. (as a curve ball add growing up with deliberately addictive social media), certainly glad I didn't have that.
Im glad I don't have kids to worry about. Because if I did I would worry about them. Without a leg up from parents how will the majority of kids now ever manage to survive. With dwindling public services, an nhs that's heading private, every increasing rent, and no pension?
I have no solutions to this other than the end of capitalism
This is generally how I feel as well apart from the bit where I do have children. People act as if the UK is a ******** and its not. Its still generally a good place to live. The issue is that its on the decline and currently there is no sign of the slide being arrested. We are just ignoring all the huge issues that are going to really cause issues in the country and thats ignoring the global landscape which is going to be a mess in the coming years too I fear.
I don't think capitalism is the problem, its unbridled capitalism and the fact that companies now run the world. We've created a world when the actions of people inside corporations are completely insulated from consequences when the inevitable results of those decisions happen. The banking crisis of 2008, cambridge analytical, the post office scandal, the handling of COVID, contracts etc. We live in a time where people can make knowingly corrupt and awful decisions and suffer no consequences or at the very most, consequences that anyone would happily take for the amount of money they made.