Unfortunately the UK isn't a first world country any more for the vast majority of people. My first cousin lives in America and her brother in law is earning high 6 figures as a trucker and I am nowhere near that.
A high 6 figure salary is nearly a million quid. I doubt he is earning that a year. And the US is great, until you get ill. Then all that money and progress in life is down the toilet.
Everything eventually reaches a tipping point. Our whole economic cycle is a never ending boom and bust.
It's obviously very difficult to know exactly when, but average house prices just carry on being a bigger and bigger multiple of average salaries, and that obviously cannot just keep getting larger and larger.
The economic cycle is boom and bust but thats going to change to just bust if we don't get a handle on the big issues. Dwindling working age population. More and more people taking out of the system who haven't put enough in. The average person is earning less and less compared to the cost of living and the rental crisis is a ticking time bomb.
In 50 years, all the people who haven't been able to buy a house ie. a lot of them won't have a house, will want to retire, probably won't have a good pension and will be paying thousands a month in rent. We're a welfare country so as this slowly gets worse and worse we will either put more and more of a tax burden on the young or we will have to abandon the old. Well, that or we make companies and the uber wealthy pay their fair share but now I'm just being silly.