How do we change the stupid green theme?

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I'd be embarrassed if i got drunk and the most fun I could have was messing around with a forums colour scheme
The most fun was the company.
Followed by the entertainment/venue, followed by the food.

Watching a handful of generally serial complainers complaining about something intended as a joke was a bonus (especially as I don't believe it affected the actual technical forum sections).
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Hmm when iit suddenly turned green last night I thought I'd accidently hit a key or button or something in the browser its not uncommon. Anyway the style chooser got it back it didn't occur to me that something else might have happened.
What’s funny in this thread is me being blamed for it after drinking too much gin, especially considering a) I didn’t do it and b) I didn’t have a drop of gin all weekend :cry:

The entitlement in this thread is even funnier than the prank. thread delivers :cry:

I’m trying to imagine what happened on Saturday evening. I have a mental image of people going to sit with their partners or mothers with a look of rage on their face and when said partners (or mothers) ask why, they say “an internet forum I post on has turned green”.
Think yourself lucky, I got bogey!

The sense of entitlement from some members in this thread is high!

Do you all sit there having a tantrum when they close the forum for events like the Queens death?
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