How do we get droughts?

It will become a real problem for the south of england over time because there is no end in sight for this condition at present. So many people live in the south of england that the problem can only be compounded by the present situation.
Crestfallen said:
Unfortunately this time it is going to be a major problem. There is already a hosepipe ban in the South-east, and has been for some time (not that people have been paying any attention). This summer/autumn there is going to be a situation more akin to No Water, rather than just usage restrictions. That will start to get life threatening.

Maybe that'll drop the house prices in the South of England then...

All that needs done is for the government to throw cash at the water companies to fix up their ancient network. Who privitised the water systems anyway? Mad ******* whoever it was.
Come on, private companies aint gonna spend billions when it rained enough for them not to have to bother. Now its potentially too late.

It always amazes me that when it comes to water, housing, heating and energy the press and media as well as the UK public go up in arms when prices need to rise but seem to feel it is their right to spend limitless amounts on debt payments, beer and fags etc.

Basics first whatever the cost and then the other after.
conundrum said:
It always amazes me that when it comes to water, housing, heating and energy the press and media as well as the UK public go up in arms when prices need to rise

Maybe because those things are rising in cost by up to 25% per year when people's incomes are only rising by perhaps 2% a year..
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
All that needs done is for the government to throw cash at the water companies to fix up their ancient network. Who privitised the water systems anyway? Mad ******* whoever it was.

That is why they sold it, because it was beyond economical repair.

(iv not read everything in between so it may have been said)

If ya read latest new scientist it basically explains the global water shortage problem, UK included.

I also know this info from my degree course

In short were pumping out water from the water table WAY FASTER than it can be replaced, even if it was to rain 365 days a year non stop heavy rain, it still couldnt be replaced quick enough at the rate were pumping it out.

Yes we can desalinate sea water, process lake water etc etc, but that would mean we would end up paying 100x the amount (£) for our water, the world within our life times (when were old i hope) will have a massive famine, and millions will die of starvation, and I suspect millions will die in the UK (YES AN 'advanced' COUNTRY) the amount of drinking water isnt the problem, the amount it takes to water crops and feed everyone is...........when the water problems hit, UK is stuffed as we import all out food, the people we get it off will simply stop sending as they will need what they have managed to grow for themselves..............every inch of spare land in the UK i imagine will be converted for growing food, and that space isnt enough for everyone
Would it be possible to get snow from the highlands in scottland and melt it and use that as water:)
Hi everyone, first time on here but met gilly at meet last saturday, (probably forgot me) lol we had snow yesterday, jeez i hate snow :(
Priestess said:
Hi everyone, first time on here but met gilly at meet last saturday, (probably forgot me) lol we had snow yesterday, jeez i hate snow :(

Please accept our deepest condolences ;)
I say we northerners charge the south folk, its starting to rain right now and it was snowing yesterday, this is somthing worth living up north for. :D
cheets64 said:
I say we northerners charge the south folk, its starting to rain right now and it was snowing yesterday, this is somthing worth living up north for. :D

Bah we'll just sell up down here and send the prices of your properties sky high, might even buy a couple of places up there and rent em out to Northerners.
We also have the "Not in my back yard" mentality in this country which has in recent years repeatedly stopped the construction of new reserviors, not that they would help a great deal with the way things are, but worth mentioning none the less.
Gilly said:
We're being told by the Met office that we should steel ourselves for the worst drought in decades.

We're an island and we get a lot of rainfall. If you don't believe me go to Manchester. We have springs, rivers, streams, lakes, a solid (or liquid :p) water table beneath us.

What exactly is going on when we're told we should be ready for the hosepipe bans again? Does anyone else feel it makes a bit of a mockery of our water system?

I'm hoping we have someone here with a vast knowledge on the subject, I've never been let down before.

Manchesters been pretty dry over the past couple of weeks :p
cheets64 said:
I say we northerners charge the south folk, its starting to rain right now and it was snowing yesterday, this is somthing worth living up north for. :D

Go up to Rivington and look at the resevoirs, we haven't got anything to sell them..
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