How do we get droughts?

Visage said:
The same folk who privatised the railways......

Must have been people with vision. Hey we have this crumbling national network that is going to cost an absolute fortune to make good for the next 100 years and will be a political disaster for who it collapses on.
Lets flog it on to some private companies and let them deal with the headache and legislate against them to keep the people sweet.
Besides I think a profit making private company is goingto get it right far more efficiently than a nationalised cumbersome joke of a company that still has to bow to unions and can spend money like theres no tomorrow.
NHS - efficient? I think not. Imagine the disaster the railways and water board would be in this Governments hands.
cheets64 said:
I say we northerners charge the south folk, its starting to rain right now and it was snowing yesterday, this is somthing worth living up north for. :D

So why do you northeners all move down south? You lot are one of the main reasons the population of the south east is increasing and why there is such a major drought here! ;)

(meant mainly in jest :p but its also partly true, The population of the south east should not be increasing but immigration from other parts of the UK and abroad is causing the main increase in population.)
Amp34 said:
So why do you northeners all move down south? You lot are one of the main reasons the population of the south east is increasing and why there is such a major drought here! ;)

Thats a very good point. Damn Northerners grrr.
We havent had as much rain have we? Thats why, the amount of water we use is insane! This was bound to happen tbh
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