How do you decide what console to buy?

1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
I want to get myself a console for my room for a bit of horizontal gaming shall we say.

Im having trouble deciding between PS5 and XSX. I’ve always had PlayStation, and would like another one, but the fact that XSX has gamepass and that I already have an elite controller is a bit of a fly in the ointment.

There is hardly any noticeable difference in power is there?
Neglible difference between the two. Series X is more powerful on paper, but no game has taken advantage of that yet ( outside of Flight Sim 2020, if you count that as a game ). If I could only choose one console I'd probably go with PS5 on the basis of Sony's strong 1st party titles. Their subscription service is decent too, but as I already own a lot of the PS4 and PS5 "must plays" I haven't bothered. Series X on the other hand represents great value for money if you go with Game Pass, but their own 1st party titles are lacking. Another thing in favour of Xbox is Microsoft Rewards scheme ... you can easily earn £200 of points per year which can then be used to pay for your ongong subscription to Game Pass, games, peripherals etc. Sony doesn't have a rebate scheme like that. If they did I would be on Playstation all day, every day.
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If you already have a ps5 then get xbsx with gamepass ultimate. If you have neither than get a ps5 with ps plus extra (better games, controller and system in my opinion).
Ps5 has better exclusive games and will probably continue to do so. Xbox is arguably better for someone on a budget. I have gamepass on pc, and whilst I consider it good value based on the very low price I paid, I find I barely use it.
I bought both.

PS5 has far better games. The controller is in another league too.

XSX has gamepass, but that’s been a bit meh for a while.

If I had to choose one I’d go for a PS next time.

For most games that run on both there’s nothing between them.
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I also have both and both perform well. Only game I have played on both is The Division 2 and I think Xbox probably had the edge. I actually prefer the elite controller to the PS5 controller and I find the interface of friends, apps, games and even the iphone app etc to be far better on Xbox. The machine is also a bit smaller and more discrete and definitely quieter. Exclusives for PS are far, far better though and I have more mates on there. The next big multi platform game I purchase will be on PS5 purely for that reason.
Personally I didn't find GP to be great value, lots of fillers (utter rubbish) on there. I think buying and selling used games one or two at a time is a way more efficient use of both your money and your time.
Thanks guys, I’ve going PS5. My brother has one too so that means we can game share.

I’m late to the party, but I own both Series X and PS5. Would recommend PS5 because ps+ extra negates Gamepass now. It also has a lot of first party exclusives.

Controller is better and for me personally, the GUI is much better.

It’s big and fugly through - so be prepared for that! I toned down the fugly with some official black side panels. SSD upgrade is more hassle to install but generally cheaper than Series X.

I still use the Series X for day one releases on GPU, but overall it does not get a look in compared to my PS5.

Horses for courses and all that, but being platform agnostic (IE not a fanboy of either brand/platform) I’d go PS5 all day long.

I’m also itching to buy a Switch though. Want to get me some Zelda action! :p
I’m also itching to buy a Switch though. Want to get me some Zelda action! :p
A true console agnostic would have a Switch - get on it now ! :p Despite all my groans in the Ninty thread about a Switch 2 being long overdue, the original Switch is actually my most played console this year ( due to TotK, Fire Emblem:Engage, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC and Metroid Prime ).
Yup the PS5 is fugly but essential I think. Sonys sub offerings are just so much better. And yeah everyone should own a Switch it’s one of the best console/handhelds that has ever been.
I own an xbox but I think if I was buying now I'd go PS5, something tells me it's going to outlive the xbx, but what do I know.
Yup the PS5 is fugly but essential I think. Sonys sub offerings are just so much better. And yeah everyone should own a Switch it’s one of the best console/handhelds that has ever been.
Switch aye? I haven't touched a Nintendo since the wii, but I've been damn tempted to buy another wii, can you use the numbchucks etc on a switch?
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If you already have a ps5 then get xbsx with gamepass ultimate. If you have neither than get a ps5 with ps plus extra (better games, controller and system in my opinion).

Pretty much this and i own both too. There's no reason to get an Xbox Series X over a PS5, all the good games for the XSX is available on the PC too anyway.

Yup the PS5 is fugly but essential I think. Sonys sub offerings are just so much better. And yeah everyone should own a Switch it’s one of the best console/handhelds that has ever been.

You know what? The design has grown quite a lot on me since i got it, i actually think it looks great now, especially after I changed the plates for the Black version
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I own an xbox but I think if I was buying now I'd go PS5, something tells me it's going to outlive the xbx, but what do I know.

Switch aye? I haven't touched a Nintendo since the wii, but I've been damn tempted to buy another wii, can you use the numbchucks etc on a switch?
The controllers on the sides are detachable and have straps on them which are motion sensored. Same thing.
I've always had PlayStations as my primary console but the last couple of gens I had an Xbox as a secondary. I won't be bothering this gen though, the Xbox exclusives will be on PC anyway (when they eventually start arriving).
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